TQM과 6시그마 경영에 관한 고찰 - 서비스산업을 중심으로

A Study on the TQM and 6 Sigma Management - Primarily on service industry -

  • 김동훈 (동강엠텍㈜ 경영컨설팅부) ;
  • 장영준 (해양수산부 인천지방해양안전심판원)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.01


In order to carry out TQM and 6 Sigma management, it is the key elements to make clear a goal and a mission. Above all, we can succeed In achieving a dramatic change and a great outcome only when we make clear the method, incentives, organization and plans under the clear objective. In order to secure the competitiveness against the external challenge, it is essential to keep the several crucial factors such as CEO's will, the systematic process to measure and manage, monitoring to satisfy customer's needs and an aggressive development of TQM activity to encourage the endeavour of the relentless enhancement, and also a positive effort Is to be made for evaluating all quality culture like training experts internally by an outstanding training program under CEO's firm leadership. This study is carried out to understand that which features and factors of success can exist in a company culture if a company accepts a theoretical basis and concept, the general of TQM and 6 Sigma which are one of a management strategy, and carries out TQM and 6 Sigma for achieving improvement of quality and customer's satisfaction.



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