A Study on Depth-Area-Duration Models of Heavy Rainfall, 1999 in the Im-Jin River Basin

1999년 임진강 유역의 집중호우에 대한 DAD모형의 연구

  • Published : 2002.07.01


Depth-area-duration(DAD) relations are important to hydrological plans and designs for the water resources as well as the flood defence. And these relations have been still in analysis and use today because they can be applied to readily available data. In this paper, rational and consistent DAD models were developed using the multiple regression analysis and basic relationships of area ratio-runoff volume about heavy rainfall occurring in the Im-Jin river basin, 1999. In addition, revised DAD models and curves that can convert a maximum point rainfall to mean area rainfall were developed and evaluated. As results, these models seem to have predictive value in order to plan and design hydrological structures of flood defence in the Im-Jin river basin.



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