성인전기 남편의 아내애착과 아내를 위한 사회적 지지 및 아내에게서 받은 사회적 지지

Young Male Adults′Spousal Attachment, Support for Wife, and Perceived Support from Wife

  • 황은 (이화여자대학교 소비자 인간발달학과)
  • Whaung, Eun (Department of Consumer.Human Development, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of spousal attachment on social support the husband provides for his wife, investigate the relationships between spousal attachment and the social support the husband received from the wife, and the view the relationship between the social support provided for the wife and the social support received from the wife during early adulthood. A survey was conducted for this study. The hypotheses were based on adult attachment theory. The results are as fellows: Secure attachment with a spouse had a significant positive effect on motivational support and esteem support provided for the wife. Anxious-avoidant attachment with a spouse had a significant negative effect on instrumental support, social companionship, motivational support, esteem support and informational support provided for the wife. Anxious-ambivalent attachment with a spouse negatively affected instrumental support, social companionship, motivational support, esteem support and informational support provided for the wife. Secure attachment with a spouse was positively related to instrumental support, social companionship, motivational support, esteem support and informational support received from the wife. Anxious-avoidant attachment with a spouse was negatively related to instrumental support, social companionship, motivational support, esteem support and informational support received from the wife. Anxious-ambivalent attachment with a spouse was negatively related to esteem support received from the wife. The results were discussed as they relate to the importance of spousal attachment for a healthy family.



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