한국 주거내부공간의 근대화요소에 관한 연구 - 주거사회학적, 문화인류학적, 페미니즘적, 공간구조적 관점에서 본 -

A Study on the Modernization Factors of Interior Spaces in the Korean Housing - From the sociological, anthropological, feministic and tectonic Point of view of housing-

  • 전남일 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 소비자주거학전공)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


The aim of this study is to understand the modernization process of interior spaces in the Korean housing, focused not only on the architectural aspects, but also on the sociological, anthropological and feministic aspects of housing. The development of korean housing from the period of traditional agricultural society and Japanese domination through the period of industrial development to the period of modem industrial society have been reviewed not from the Point of westernization but from the point of Korean own needs for modernity. It also tried to find the determinants of the relationship between social behavior patterns and space organization through historical change of housing plans. As a result, it was found the various western impacts to the continuation or change of Korean housing culture in the modernization process. Consequently this study comes to the concrete results as follows; 1) sociological aspect: The early layout of floorplans, that promoted the communication and contact between the user were changed. The layout of spaces in the modern housing tends to be not interdependence each other and be very isolated from the outdoor spaces. Those Phenomena reflect the trends to the Individualization, equivalence and privatization in the life of family. 2) feministic aspects: Differently from the early kitchen, modern ones locates in the internal space in the housing and the dinning area is appeared. And also the standing work at the kitchen war usually spreaded. Such changes are due to the emancipation of the women and downfall of the subordinate relationship between the genders. 3) anthropological aspects: The lifestyle, in which the user was mostly sitting on the floor, was constantly disappeared by using of furnitures that determines the function of each spaces in the housing. Those change demonstrate the change of behavior Patterns, thus, the needs of differentiation of function as well as the feministic needs. In other word, the coexistence of both fields of work and relax is required. 4) tectonic aspects: In the indoor space of modern housing the rooms are closed each other. Thus, concentrated circulation system act to separate these spaces. It is concrete spatial element that mostly shows the synthetic character of modem housing.



  1. 한국사회의 구조와 의식 고영복
  2. 한국사의 근대성 연구 권희영
  3. 한국 공동주택계획의 역사. 공동주택연구회
  4. 대한건축학회논문집 v.11 no.12 한국 공동주택 단위평면 계획원리로서의 개방적 공간구성 박인석 외2인
  5. 대한건축학회논문집 v.11 no.12 한국과 일본의 주택평면의 근대화 과정에 관한 비교:1945년 이후를 중심으로 김상희
  6. 서울대학교 대학원 석사학위 논문 한국 근대 도시주택의 변천에 관한 연구-일제시대서울지역의 새로운 도시주택 유형을 중심으로 김선재
  7. 대한건축학회 논문집 v.17 no.15 주택유형별 공간구조의 변천에 관한 연구 김주석 외 4인
  8. 한국가족의 사회인류학 이광규
  9. 한국문화의 구조인류학
  10. 근대성과 한국문화의 정체성 이명현 외9인
  11. 대한건축학회논문집 v.13 no.8 주거용 연료의 전환에 의한 주생활 변화에 관한 연구:도시주거의 근대화 과정에 관련하여 이순희 외 1인
  12. 근대적 주거공간의 탄생 이진경
  13. 대한건축학회논문집 v.4 no.2 한국 도시 단독주택의 변천에 관한 연구:1964-1985 서울지방 단독주택을 중심으로 임창복
  14. 성,가족, 그리고 문화 - 인류학적 접근 조혜정 외 6인
  15. 한국 주택건축 주남철
  16. 한국의 사회지표 통계청
  17. 현대가족과 사회 한국 가족학회
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