대학에서 지역사회에 청소년 상담과 교육 서비스를 제공하기 위한 학교 상담 실태 및 서비스 요구도 조사 - 창원시 중.고등학교를 중심으로 -

Preliminary Study of the Status of School Counseling and Demands for the Service: Designed for Universities to Provide Their Local Communities with Counseling and Educational Service of Adolescence - Focusing on middle and high schools in Changwon -

  • 류경희 (창원대학교 아동가족학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.01


This study is preliminary study of the status of school counseling and demands for service at middle and high schools from universities to provide the youth middle and high schools in Changwon with counseling and educational service. The results of this research are below, First, the excessive workload became the most difficulties for operateschool counseling systems and counseling activities. Second, school counseling activities focused mainly on the formal and narrow areas of counseling such as career guidance, personality programs and intelligence test and so on. Third, the most problems which we have counselled, were friendship problems in the personal relationship, school absences in the delinquent, lack of information of sex in the sexual field, conflicts with Parents, in the family relationship, poor academic progresses in the academical and future directional problems and. character of personality difficulties in the psychological field. Fourth, the major offers from the teachers to counsel students in the school were advices, suggestions, career guidance, Preventative activities, and providing information through school counseling. Fifth, though the middle and high schools were in need of outside institutions related to counseling, It was difficult to get help because of being Ignorant of procedures or methods for using counseling and being lacking in enough information on such organizations. Sixth, ordinary students and students in danger of maladjustment besides problem students wanted to get a lot of help. Seventh, the counseling which are the most wanted from out of school was an opposite-sex relationship in the personal relationship, a lack of information on sex in the sexual fields, conflict with parents in the family problems, a strong unwillingness of study in the academical and future directional fields, and personalty difficulties In the psychological fields. Eighth, the subjects wanted to get counseling and educational service in regard to sex, addiction to PC, smoking, and ostracism and so on in counseling and education for young people. Ninth, education designed to have an adequate understanding of children turned out to be mostly needed as educational programs for parents Based on the above results, the proposals from universities for provide youth counseling and educational services are below. 1) setting up the positive publicity strategies E) developing and execution of various counseling and educational programs 3) expanding the counseling and education from maladjusted students to general students 4) expanding youth counseling and education to parental education and family counseling 5) continuous human resources improvement and training 6) reinforcement relationships with middle and high school organizations 7) building cooperation with local counseling organizations



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  8. 계명대학교 석사학위논문 학교와 지역사회의 협력방안 탐색 연구 박창엽
  9. 한국 사회복지학 no.35 청소년기 문제 예방을 위한 학교-가정 연계 프로그램 개발 박현선;이상균
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