하의 치수 체계에 관한 연구 -만 19 ~ 24세 여자를 중심으로-

A Study on the Sizing System for Clothes of Lower Body -females from l9 to 24 years old-

  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


The purpose of this study was to set up the sizing system for clothes of lower body. Sample size was 191 females and their age ranges were from 19 to 24 years old. The lower body types for the sizing system were categorised by height and drop value of lower body(hip circumference-waist circumference). The results were as follows. 1. The Thick waist (drop value of lower body<21) and the Slender waist (drop value of lower body$\geq$27) had the low coverage rates of 14.2% and 11.5%, and the Normal waist (21$\leq$ drop value of lower body<27) had the high coverage rate of 72.8%. 2. The height could be divided into three groups and thar covered 97.5%. The Short(152cm) covered 2l.0%, the Regular(160cm) 58.7% and the Tall(168cm) 17.8%. 3. The size interval of hip circumference was 4cm and the intervals of waist circumference were 3cm and 4cm. The interval of slacks length was 4∼5cm according to three height groups.



  1. 복식 v.45 상반신 체표면 전개도에 의한 길원형 설계의 기초 연구 -타이트 길원형을 위한 체표면전개도 각 부위의 치수 산출을 중심으로- 문명옥
  2. 패턴그레이딩 재인용;조영아
  3. 국민표준체위 조사 결과에 따른 체형 분류 연구 국립기술품질원
  4. 한국의류학회지 v.21 no.7 기성복 제작을 위한 성인 남성의 사이즈 스펙의 분류 김구자(외 1명)
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  9. 한국의류학회지 v.25 no.4 성인여성의 체형별 연령층별 하의 치수 체계 정명숙(외 1명)
  10. KS K0051, 여성복의 치수 한국표준협회
  11. KS A 7004, 한국공업규격, 인체측정방법 공업진흥청
  12. 한국의류학회지 v.24 no.3 니트츄리닝복의 치수 체계에 관한 연구-만 15~24세 여자를 대상으로- 문명옥(외 1인)