- 채소원예각론 표현구;최연일;이경희
- 한국의 채소 이우승
- 한국의 약용실물 배기환
- 원색 한국 자원 식물도감 윤세영
- 한국영양학회지 v.33 no.4 부추와 식이지방이 고지혈증 흰쥐의 혈액성상 및 혈소판 응집에 미치는 영향 홍서아;왕수경
- J Fd Hyg. Safety v.15 no.3 부추의 항미생물 활성물질의 분리 홍정화;이미형;강민철;허성호
- Korean J food Sci. technol v.28 no.3 부추의 항미생물 활성물질 김선재;박근형
- Phytochemisty v.40 no.2 Steroidal glycosides from Allium macleanii and A. senescens, and their inhibitory activity on tumor promotor-induced phospholipid metabolism of Hela cells Inoue T.;Mimaki Y;Sashida Y(et al.) https://doi.org/10.1016/0031-9422(95)00223-T
- Mutat. Res. v.466 no.1 Liver subcellular fractions from rats treated by organosulfur compounds frtom Allium modulate mutagen activation Guyonnet D.;Belloir C;Suschetet M(et al.) https://doi.org/10.1016/S1383-5718(99)00234-X
- Journal of Food Science v.48 Volatile flavor components of Nira(Allium tuberosum Rottl.) Hiroshi Iida;Seiji Hashimoto;Mitsuo Miyazawa;Hiromu Kameoka https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2621.1983.tb10818.x
- J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr v.27 no.4 Volatile Flavor components of leek(Allium tuberosum Rottler) Eun-Ryong Park;Jung-ok Jo;Sun-Min Kim(et al.)
- J. Agric. Food Chem v.42 Allium Chemistry: Identification of natural abundance organoselenium volatiles from garlic, elephant garlic, onion, and chinese chive using headspace gas chromatography with atomic emission detection Xiao-Jia Cai;Peter C. Uden(et al.) https://doi.org/10.1021/jf00046a002
- Kor. J. Phamacogn v.20 no.2 Studies on the active principles of wild vegetables on biotransformation of drug Jae Sue Choi;Si Hyang Park;Il Sung Kim
- J. Food Hyg., Safety v.12 no.3 Separation and Identification of Antimicrobial compounds from Korean Leek(Allium tuberosum) Heong-Hwa Hong;Mi-hyoung lee;Minchul Kang;sung-ho Hur
- J. Korean Soc. Food Nutr v.21 no.3 Isolation of Adenosine and free amino Acid composition from the leaves of Allium tuberosum Jae-Sue Choi;Jae-Yeun Kim;Ji-Hyun Lee(et al.)
- J. Kor. Soc. Hort. Sci v.37 no.5 Comparison of chemical composition and taste of the Korean native chinese chive leaves Chung, Hee Don;Yoon, Sun-Joo
- J. Kor. Soc. Hort. Sci v.27 no.1 Studies on the Chinese chives(Allium tuberosum ROTTER)and a wild type of Allium species in Korea. Karyotype, growth pattern and main components Hahn, Sang Jung
- J. Kor. Soc. Hort. Sci v.27 no.2 Studies on the Chinese chives(Allium tuberosum ROTTER) and a wild type of Allium species in Korea.; Effects of day length and temperature on the flowerbud differentiation and growth Hahn, Sang Jung
- J. Comp. Pathol Ther v.22 Onion poisoning in cattle Gold smith WW https://doi.org/10.1016/S0368-1742(09)80034-9
- Public Health Rep v.45 An anemia in dogs produced by feeding onions Sebrell W.H. https://doi.org/10.2307/4579656
- Veterinary Record v.117 Onion poisoning of young cattle J. Verhoeff;R, Hajer;T.S.G.A.M. Van Den Ingh https://doi.org/10.1136/vr.117.19.497
- JAVMA v.200 no.8 Hematologic effects and feeding performance in cattle fed cull domestic onions(Allium cepa) S.D. Lincoln;M.E. Howell;J.J. Combs;D.D. Hinman
- JAVMA v.160 no.3 Acute hemolytic anemia caused by wild onion poisoning in horses K.R. Pierce;J.R. Joyce;R.B. England;L.P. Jones
- J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. v.94 Onion Poisoning in horses Thorp F;Harshifield GS
- JAVMA v.156 no.3 Hemolytic anemia in sheep fed wild onion(Allium validum) Kent R. Van Kampen;Lynn F;James A;Earl Johnson MS
- Am. J. Vet. Res v.40 no.3 Effects of feeding cull domestic onions(Allium cepa) to sheep John H. Kirk;Marie S. Bulgin
- Jpn. J. Vet. Sci v.48 no.4 Effect of onion ingestion on anti-oxidizing agents in dog erythrocytes Eri Ogawa;Tadashi shinoki;Fumiaki Akahori;Toshio Masaoka https://doi.org/10.1292/jvms1939.48.685
- Sodium n-propylthiosulfate is one of the causative agents of onion-induced haemolytic anaemia in dogs Yamato, M. Hayashi;Y. Maede
- Aust. Vet. Practit v.26 Six cases of Heinz body haemolytic anaemia induced by onion and/or garlic ingestion C.B. Edwards;C.J. Belford
- Feline Fract v.11 Onion poisoning in the cat Kobayahi K
- Am. J. Med. Sci v.181 Anemia in dogs produced by feeding of the whole onions and of onion products Gruzhit OM https://doi.org/10.1097/00000441-193106000-00007
- J. Agric. Food Chem v.42 Comparative toxicity of prop(en)yl disulfides derived from Alliaceae: possible involvement of 1-propenyl disulfides in onion-induced hemolytic anemia Munday R;Manns E https://doi.org/10.1021/jf00040a023
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.16 no.2 과량의 마늘 투여로 인한 개의 혈액학적 변화 이근우;장인호;장광호
- AJVR v.61 no.11 Hematologic changes associated with the appearance of eccentrocytes after intragastric administration of garlic extract to dogs Keun-Woo Lee;Osamu Yamato;Motoshi Tajima(et al.) https://doi.org/10.2460/ajvr.2000.61.1446
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.16 no.2 소형견에서 마늘 투여가 혈액상에 미치는 영향 장우석;김홍태;진태원;장혜숙(등)
- J. Vet. Clin. Med v.18 no.2 미나리 생즙 투여가 개의 혈액상에 미치는 영향 김홍태;장혜숙;안병만;김영홍(등)
- J. Vet. Clin. Med v.18 no.2 농축 미나리 추출물의 투여가 개의 혈액상에 미치는 영향 김홍태;장혜숙;안병만;김영홍(등)
- J. Lab. Clin. Med v.61 Improved method method for the determination of blood glutathione Beutler E;Duron O;Kelly BM
- St. Marianna Med. J v.8 Microdetermination of methemoglobin and the normal value Nakamura I;Nishid N;Maruyama H(et al.)
- Vet. Med. v.135 Normal blood values in the beagle Anderson A. C.;Gee W.
- Arch. Biochem. Biophy v.314 The reaction of superoxide with reduced glutathione Wintebourn CC;Metodiewa D
- Jap. J. Vet. Sci v.39 High concentration of blood glutathione in dogs with acute hemolytic anermia Maede Y
- J. Biochem v.249 no.22 Glutathione Stransferases William HH;Michael JP;William BJ
- Pharmacol. Ther v.47 Glutathione-dependent protection against oxidative injury Shan XQ;AW TY;Jones DP https://doi.org/10.1016/0163-7258(90)90045-4
- Vet. Pathol v.22 Experimental onion-induced hemolytic anemia in dogs Harvey J. W.;Rackear D. https://doi.org/10.1177/030098588502200414