경남 남부지역 양식어류 질병에 관한 역학적 연구

The Epidemiological Study on fish Diseases in the Southern Area of Kyeognam

  • 허정호 (경상남도축산진흥연구소 남부지소) ;
  • 정명호 (경상남도축산진흥연구소 남부지소) ;
  • 조명희 (경상남도축산진흥연구소 남부지소) ;
  • 김국헌 (경상남도축산진흥연구소 남부지소) ;
  • 이국천 (경상남도축산진흥연구소 남부지소) ;
  • 김재훈 (국립수의과학검역원) ;
  • 정태성 (경상대학교 수의과대학 어패류질병연구실)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


An epidemiological study was performed to evaluate the state of fish diseases between aquaculture fishes in the area of southern Kyeongnam, especially Tongyeong-si, Geoje-si, and Goseong-gun. Examination for a total of 91 cases was carried out for a variety of fishes, including Japanese flounder(Paralichthys olivaceus), rock fish (Sebastes schlegeli), sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus), sea breams(Pagrus major), and red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) from November, 1999 to October, 2001. The investigation resulted in exploring 155 infectious diseases, including 62 Vibriosis, 16 Edwasiella infection, 11 Streptococcosis, 7 Pseudotuberculosis, 15 Scuticociliatida infection, 20 Gill flukes, and 9 Trichodiniasis. When the infections were classified according to fish species, Japanese flounder was infected by 30 Vibrio spp., 16 Edwardsiella tarda, 6 Streptococcus spp., 12 Scuticociliatida infection. In case of sea bass, 10 Vibrio spp. was able to isolate out of 10 outbreaks, on the other hand, rock fish was dominantly infected by gill flukes since it was observed 12 out of a total of 20 cases. With reference to seasonal fluctuation, Vibrio spp. infection was continually observed through all seasons but Edwardsiella septicaemia, Streptococcosis and Pseudotuberculosis was mainly isolated in summer and autumn when the water temperature was raised high. Scuticociliatida infection was frequently occurred from late autumn to early spring but gill flukes were watched all the year regardless of temperature. As regards, multiple infection, 47 out of 91 cases was Identified to have involved in more than 2 pathogens, especially Vibrio spp. was highly mixed with other pathogens since 42 out of 47 cases was mixed with Vibrio spp.



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  2. Fish Pathol v.18 no.2 Edwardsiella tarda isolated from cultured young flounder Nakatsugawa T https://doi.org/10.3147/jsfp.18.99
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  4. 어병예방 및 치료대책 국립수산진흥원
  5. 1999년 국립수산진흥원 사업보고 해산어 스쿠티카증 방제기술 개발 김이청;지보영;김진우
  6. 어류질병학 이영순;허강준;박재학
  7. 어병학 전세규
  8. 바이엘 화학 양어편 v.40 해산어류에 기생하는 스쿠티카충(scuticociliate) 지보영
  9. 남해수산연구소 사업보고서 양식생물 질병에 관한 연구 최상덕;심두생
  10. 남해수산연구소 사업보고서 양식생물의 질병에 관한 연구 최혜승;문태석;최우정
  11. 남해수산연구소 사업보고서 양식생물의 질병에 관한 연구 최혜승;문태석
  12. 남해수산연구 사업보고서 경남지역 양식생물의 질병에 관한 연구 최혜승;문태석
  13. 어병도감 황재수