부착력과 마찰력이 개재된 마이크로 입자 충돌 운동

Microparticle Impact Motion with Adhesion and Frictional Forces


The main topic covered in this paper is that of the impact process, that is, where two bodies come into contact and rebound or stick together. This paper presents how to determine the rebound velocities of a microparticle that approaches a surface with arbitrary initial velocities and relate the impact process to the physical properties of the materials and to the adhesion force. Actual adhesion forces demonstrate a significant amount of energy dissipation in the form of hysteresis, and act generally in a normal to the contact surfaces. Microparticles must also contend with forces tangent to the contact surfaces, namely Coulomb dry friction. The developed model has an algebraic form based on the principle of impulse and momentum and hypothesis of energy dissipation. Finally, several analyses are carried out in order to estimate impact parameters and the developed analytical model is validated using experimental results.



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