여대생과 주부의 돈과 신용에 대한 태도 비교

Comparison of Money and Credit Attitudes of Female College Students and Housewives

  • 김정훈 (원광대학교 생활과학대학)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


The purpose of this study is to compare the attitudes toward money and credit between housewives and female cortege students. Female college students were younger and economically dependent. Female college students(n=131) and housewives(n=96) were surveyed for the study. Results of the study were: 1) Housewives perceive money as a security, Female students did money as the emotional tool and the success. 2) Housewives tended to be more negative to use credit generally and more positive under the certain condition compared with female students. 3) Affective style of money attitudes among female students and cognitive style among housewives were more popular 4) Negative type of credit altitudes were more popular among both groups. 5) Negative type of credit attitudes were more poplar in cognitive style of money altitudes and tolerated type were more popular in affective style.



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