Genistein이 T lymphocyte의 Apoptosis 및 복강 Macrophage의 탐식능에 미치는 영향

Effect of Genistein on Apoptosis of T Iymphocyte and Phagocytosis of Peritoneal Macrophage

  • 발행 : 2002.02.01


The effects of genistein on murine thymocytes for inducing apoptotic cell death and phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophage were studied in vitro. Addition of genistein (10 and 50$\mu$M) to cultured thymocytes from BALB/c mice definitely promoted DNA fragmentation. Also, cytofluorometric analysis of these cells demonstrated a reduction in mitochondrial transmembrane potential ($\Delta$Ψm). But, repeated administration of genistein (1 mg/mouse/day) to mice for 7 days did not cause any detectable DNA fragmentation. Genistein decreased lucigenin chemiluminescence and engulfment of fluorescein-conjugated E. coli particles in peritoneal macrophage. These results suggest that genistein induce an apoptosis of thymocyte via reduction in $\Delta$Ψm and decrease phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophage in vitro.



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