역전파신경망을 이용한 구멍뚫기법의 편심 오차 예측

Prediction for the Error due to Role Eccentricity in Hole-drilling Method Using Backpropagation Neural Network

  • 김철 (성균관대학교 대학원 기계설계학과) ;
  • 양원호 (성균관대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 허성필 (한국원자력연구소) ;
  • 정기현 (성균관대학교 대학원 기계설계학과)
  • Kim, Cheol (Dept.of Mechanical Design, Graduate School of Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Yang, Won-Ho (Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Heo, Sung-Pil (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
  • Chung, Ki-Hyun (Dept.of Mechanical Design, Graduate School of Sungkyunkwan University)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


The measurement of residual stresses by the hole-drilling method has been commonly used to evaluate residual stresses in structural members. In this method, eccentricity can usually occur between the hole center and rosette gage center. In this study, the error due to the hole eccentricity is predicted using the artificial neural network. The neural network has trained training examples of stress ratio, normalized eccentricity, off-centered direction and stress error using backpropagation learning process. The prediction results of the error using the trained neural network are good agreement with FE analyzed ones.



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