When assessing goodness-of-fit of a model, a small subset of deviating observations can give rise to a significant lack of fit. It is therefore important to identify such observations and to assess their effects on various aspects of analysis. A Cook's distance measure is usually used to detect influential observation. But it sometimes is not fully effective in identifying truly influential set of observations because there may exist masking or swamping effects. In this paper we confine our attention to influential subset In GLMs such as logistic regression models and loglinear models. We modify a backwards stepping algorithm, which was originally suggested for detecting outlying cells in contingency tables, to detect influential observations in GLMs. The algorithm consists of two steps, the identification step and the testing step. In identification step we Identify influential observations based on influencial measures such as Cook's distances. On the other hand in testing step we test the subset of identified observations to be significant or not Finally we explain the proposed method through two types of dataset related to logistic regression model and loglinear model, respectively.