A Study on the Change Detection of Multi-temporal Data - A Case Study on the Urban Fringe in Daegu Metropolitan City -

대도시 주변지역의 토지이용변화 - 대구광역시를 중심으로 -

  • 박인환 (경북대학교 농과대학 조경학과) ;
  • 장갑수 (농업과학기술원 농업환경부 토양관리과)
  • Published : 2002.04.01


The purpose of this article is to examine land use change in the fringe area of a metropolitan city through multi-temporal data analysis. Change detection has been regarded as one of the most important applications for utilization of remotely sensed imageries. Conventionally, two images were used for change detection, and Arithmetic calculators were generally used on the process. Meanwhile, multi-temporal change detection for a large number of images has been carried out. In this paper, a digital land-use map and three Landsat TM data were utilized for the multi-temporal change detection Each urban area map was extracted as a base map on the process of multi-temporal change detection. Each urban area map was converted to bit image by using boolean logic. Various urban change types could be obtained by stacking the urban area maps derived from the multi-temporal data using Geographic Information System(GIS). Urban change type map was created by using the process of piling up the bit images. Then the urban change type map was compared with each land cover map for the change detection. Dalseo-gu of Daegu city and Hwawon-eup of Dalsung-gun, the fringe area of Daegu Metropolitan city, were selected for the test area of this multi-temporal change detection method. The districts are adjacent to each other. Dalseo-gu has been developed for 30 yeais and so a large area of paddy land has been changed into a built-up area. Hwawon-eup, near by Dalseo-gu, has been influenced by the urbanization of Dalseo-gu. From 1972 to 1999, 3,507.9ha of agricultural area has been changed into other land uses, while 72.7ha of forest area has been altered. This agricultural area was designated as a 'Semi-agricultural area'by the National landuse Management Law. And it was easy for the preserved area to be changed into a built-up area once it would be included as urban area. Finally, the method of treatment and management of the preserved area needs to be changed to prevent the destruction of paddy land by urban sprawl on the urban fringe.



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