실배관 파열시험을 통한 부식배관의 파열압력 평가

The Evaluation of Burst Pressure for Corroded Pipeline by Full Scale Burst Test

  • 발행 : 2002.01.01


The transmission pipeline industry spends many millions of dollars annually performing inline inspections, excavating sites of possible corrosion, and repairing or replacing damaged sections of pipe. New criteria fur evaluation of the integrity of corroded pipe have been developed in recent years to help in controlling these costs. These new criteria vary widely in their estimates of integrity and the most appropriate criterion fur a given pipeline is net always clear. This paper presents an overview, comparison and evaluation of acceptability criteria for corrosion deflects in pipelines. By full scale burst tests, this paper has assessed the relative accuracy of each of theses criteria in predicting burst pressure. Many of the criteria appear to be excessively conservative and indicate that deflects must be repaired when none is needed, based upon burst test data.



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  7. Denny. R. Stephens and Robert B. Francini, 2000, 'A Review and Evaluation of Remaining Strength Criteria for Corrosion Defects in Transmission Pipelines,' Proceeding of ETCE/OMAE 200 Joint Conference, ETCE2000/OGPT-10255
  8. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME B31G, 1991, 'Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines.'
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피인용 문헌

  1. Estimation of Failure Probability Using Boundary Conditions of Failure Pressure Model of Buried Pipelines vol.270-273, pp.1662-9795, 2004,
  2. Reliability of Buried Pipeline Using a Theory of Probability of Failure vol.110, pp.1662-9779, 2006,