- Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Sound and Vibration A study on measurement of sound transmission loss for sound isolation sheets by two-microphone impedance tube method Lee, D. H.;Kim, D. W.;Seto, K.
- Proceedings of the KSNVE Autumn Conference Development of Sound Isolation Sheets with Compound Materials Lee, D. H.;Lee, T. K.;Cheong, S. K.;Lee, H. W.;Kang, M.;Kim, Y. B.
- Standard test method for laboratory measurement of airborne sound transmission loss of building partitions ASTM
- Proceedings of the KSAE Autumn Conference A Study of Validity on the Sound Transmission Loss Measurement of Sound Isolation Sheets Using Two-Microphone Lee, D. H.;Kang, M.;Seto, K.
- Proceedings of the KSNVE Autumn Conference A Study on the Sound Transmission Loss Measurement of Sound Isolation Sheets Lee, D. H.;Kang, M.;Lee, J. W.;Jung, G. C.;Kwon, Y. P.
- Noise Control Engineering v.17 no.1 Measurement of transmission loss of panels by the direct determination of transmitted acoustic intensity Crocker, M. J.(et al.)
- Noise control Engineering v.19 no.3 Direct measurement of transmission loss of aircraft structures using the acoustic intensity approach Wang, Y. S.;Crocker, M. J.
- SAE transactions, Jr. Pass. Cars v.106 Development of a new sound transmission test for automotive sealant materials Bolton, J. S.(et al.)
- J. Acoust. Soc. Am. v.83 no.6 Two-sensor methods for the measurement of sound intensity and acoustic properties in ducts Seybert, A. F.
- J. Acoust. Soc. Am. v.68 no.3 Transfer function method of measuring induct acoustic properties, I. Theory and II. Experiment Chung, J. Y.;Blaser, D. A.
- Journal of Sound and Vibration v.77 no.2 The Tenth Sir Richard Fairey Memorial Lecture:Sound Trnasmission in Buildings Heckl, M.
- J. Acoust. Soc. Am. v.66 no.1 Intercomparisons of Laboratory Determinations of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss Jones, R. E.
- Noise and Vibration Control Engineering (Principles and Applications) Beranek, LEO L.;VER, Istvan L.
- Proceedings of the SAREK Summer Annual Conference Sound Transmission Loss Measurement of Sound Isolation Sheets Using Impedance Tube Method Lee, S.;Lee, D. H.;Yong, H. T.;Suh, K. W.
- J. Sound and Vibration v.77 no.4 Reflection coefficients for an unflanged pipe with flow Davies, P. O. A. L.(et al.)