A Method for Identifying Splice Sites and Translation Start Sites in Human Genomic Sequences

  • Kim, Ki-Bong (Information Technology Institute, SmallSoft Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Park, Kie-Jung (Information Technology Institute, SmallSoft Co., Ltd.) ;
  • Kong, Eun-Bae (Department of Computer Engineering, Chungnam National University)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.30


We describe a new method for identifying the sequences that signal the start of translation, and the boundaries between exons and introns (donor and acceptor sites) in human mRNA. According to the mandatory keyword, ORGANISM, and feature key, CDS, a large set of standard data for each signal site was extracted from the ASCII flat file, gbpri.seq, in the GenBank release 108.0. This was used to generate the scoring matrices, which summarize the sequence information for each signal site. The scoring matrices take into account the independent nucleotide frequencies between adjacent bases in each position within the signal site regions, and the relative weight on each nucleotide in proportion to their probabilities in the known signal sites. Using a scoring scheme that is based on the nucleotide scoring matrices, the method has great sensitivity and specificity when used to locate signals in uncharacterized human genomic DNA. These matrices are especially effective at distinguishing true and false sites.



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