Milk Production, Blood Metabolites and Circulatory Levels of Hormones in Crossbred Goats

  • Singh, Mahendra (Dairy Cattle Physiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute) ;
  • Ludri, R.S. (Dairy Cattle Physiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute)
  • 투고 : 2001.10.25
  • 심사 : 2002.02.15
  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


Eighteen crossbred goats were selected from the Institute's goat herd to determine the changes in hormones, blood metabolites and yield and composition of milk during lactation. The blood and milk samples were collected from each goat in a heparinized vacutainer tubes at fortnightly interval for a period of 150 days. In milk samples, fat, protein and lactose contents were estimated while in blood plasma hormones viz., prolactin, GH, cortisol, insulin, $T_4$ and $T_3$ were measured using radioimmunoassay methods. The plasma concentration of prolactin, GH and cortisol were high during early lactation when the goats acquired peak milk yield. During remainder of lactation their concentration varied. The high NEFA concentration during early lactation indicated mobilization of body reserves as the body weights also decrease during early lactation. However, with the advancement of lactation, the body weights of the goats and the concentration of NEFA declined which indicated utilization of NEFA for energy yielding purposes in addition to fatty acid synthesis. The ambient temperatures did not influence plasma concentration of prolactin, GH, insulin, $T_3$ and $T_4$ during the lactation cycle. The fat content of milk varied significantly (p<0.01) but protein and lactose content of milk remains unchanged during different stages of lactation. Growth hormone was positively correlated with insulin (p<0.05) during lactation while prolactin had a positive correlation with lactose and plasma NEFA (p<0.01) and negative correlation with $T_3$ (p<0.05).



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