경북지역 수산계 고등학교 학생의 수산업 의식 분석

An Analysis of Fishery Consciousness for the Fisheries Highschool Teachers in Kyungbuk Province

  • 발행 : 2002.07.31


In this paper, we studied the consciousness of Fisheries high school students Through these kinds of works, this paper will focus on how to activate the Fisheries high school in Kyungbuk province. Primarily, research of the consciousness of people living in the fisheries community of the Kyungbuk coast has been engaged in fisheries. Secondly, research is done the consciousness of Fisheries high school students. Thirdly, research of consciousness of neighboring middle school teachers. Finally, searching for reform measures toward activating Fisheries high schools in the whole country. The conclusions of the study were as follows: First, the proper view of fisheries should be settled again. The understandings of basic knowledge about maritime affairs and fisheries in the stages of elementary schools and middle schools are needed. Secondly, in order to find a way out of the difficulties in fishering villages, governmental financial support has to be presente. from the view of fisher folks who are engaged in the fisheries. Thirdly, larger portions of economic value should be allocated to fisheries villages by improving fisheries structure of the fishery. Actually, lower incomes have burdened fisheries villagers with more debts. Fourthly, academic and care counseling must concentrate on the diversification of courses after graduation from fisheries high schools. Realistically, students of fisheries high schools are longing to enter into universities. Fifthly, reorganization of specialized highschool systems, changes of titles of schools and reconstruction of departments should be steadily carried out. Finally, high morale of fisheries highschool teachers should be revised using various steps. They didn't appear to be proud of their teaching jobs. Supervisors ought to exchange their opinions with teachers for the purpose of development of fisheries high schools.



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