화본과식물에서 분리한 Curvularia spp.의 동정

Identification of Curvularia spp. Isolated from Gramineous Plants in Korea

  • 이정혜 (서울시립대학교 환경원예학과) ;
  • 김진원 (서울시립대학교 환경원예학과) ;
  • 이두형 (서울시립대학교 환경원예학과) ;
  • 심규열 (한국잔디연구소)
  • Yi, Jeong-Hye (Department of Environmental Horticulture, The University af Seoul) ;
  • Kim, Jin-Won (Department of Environmental Horticulture, The University af Seoul) ;
  • Lee, Du-Hyung (Department of Environmental Horticulture, The University af Seoul) ;
  • Shim, Gyu-Yul (Korea Turfgrass Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.30


1998년 병든 화본과작물, 목초, 잔디 및 야생잡초의 잎점무늬와 마름병징으로부터 Curvularia spp. 16균주를 분리하였다. 이들 균주를 균학적 특징을 기초로 동정한 결과 C. cymbopogonis, C. inaequalis, C. intermedia, C. lunata, C. lunata var. aeria, C. ovoidea, C. pallescens C. senegalensis로 동정되었다. 이중에서 C. cymbopogonis, C. lunata var. aeria, C. ovoidea, C. senegalensis는 국내에서 처음 보고되는 미기록종들이다.

Sixteen Curvularia isolates were collected from leaf spots and blights on gramineous plants of field crops, grass pasture plants, turfgrasses and wild weeds in Korea in 1998. These isolates were identified as C. cymbopogonis, C. inaequalis, C. intermedia, C. lunata, C. lunata var. aeria, C. ovoidea, C. pallescens and C. senegalensis based on the mycological characteristics. Of these, C. cymbopogonis, C. lunata var. aeria, C. ovoidea and C. senegalensis were recorded for the first time in Korea.



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