Chloral hydrate와 Hydroxyzine의 경구투여와 $N_2O-O_2$ 병용투여시 진정효과에 관한 연구

  • Hong, Sung-Joon (Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Keung-Ho (Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee Univ.)
  • 홍성준 (경희대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실) ;
  • 이긍호 (경희대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실)
  • Published : 2002.11.30


The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical sedation effect of chloral hydrate and hydroxyzine combination with and without nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation when young children were sedated for dental treatment. The uncooperative 20 children aged, 21 to 47 months of age(ASA Class I), participated in the study. The author examined 20 children(male 12, female 8). Each patient was assigned to receive chloral hydrate(50mg/kg) and hydroxyzine(25mg). Next appointment, each patient was assigned to receive $N_2O-O_2$, choral hydrate and hydroxyzine. Sleep, crying, movement, and overall behavior response were evaluated, and the sedative effects were evaluated by Houpt's rating scale. Pulse rate and peripheral oxygen saturation were also measured for monitoring the sedated patients during treatment period by pulse oximeter. The result were as follows : 1. In the evaluation of sleep scores, crying scores, and movement scores, chloral $hydrate/hydroxyzine/N_2O-O_2$ combination group was significantly rated high(p<0.05). 2. In the evaluation of overall behavior scores, chloral hydrate/hydroxyzine/$N_2O-O_2$ combination group was significantly rated high(p<0.05). 3. In the evaluation of overall behavior evaluation scores(by Houpt), 93.3% in chloral $hydrate/hydroxyzine/N_2O-O_2$ combination group and 63.3% in chloral hydrate/hydroxyzine combination group were rated "good" or "very good". 4. There was no adverse side effect(i.e. respiratory depression) in both group.

경희대학교 치과대학병원 소아치과에 내원한 환자 중, negative이거나 definitively negative로 분류되는, 전신적으로 건강한(ASA I) 4세미만의 아동 20명(평균 30.8개월, 남아 12명, 여아 8명)을 대상으로 하여, 두 차례의 진료를 시행하였다. 첫 진료시 chloral hydrate(50mg/kg)와 hydroxyzine HCl(25mg)만을 경구투여하고, 동일한 대상에게 두 번째 진료시 chloral hydrate (50mg/kg)와 hydroxyzine HCl(25mg)의 경구투여와 함께 $N_2O-O_2$를 병용하여 통상의 보존적 처치를 시행하였다. 각 치료과정 별로 나타나는 진정효과를 Houpt의 평가표(수면, 울음, 움직임, 전반적 행동지수)에 의해 측정하였고, pulse oximeter를 이용하여 맥박수 및 동맥혈 산소포화도의 차이 등을 비교, 평가하여 그 결과 chloral hydrate와 hydroxyzine HCl의 경구투여와 함께 $N_2O-O_2$를 병용한 경우가 chloral hydrate와 hydroxyzine만을 경구투여한 경우에 비해 어린이의 행동조절에 더 바람직한 진정요법인 것으로 판단된다.
