경량금속주물의 용탕단조기술

Squeeze Casting Technology of Light Metals Casting

  • Han, Yo-Sub (Korea Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 2001.04.20




  1. North American Die Casting Association(NADCA)
  2. Die casting Engineer v.35 W. A.;Butler
  3. Die casting Engineer v.16 Norwin.A.Merens
  4. J. of japan Foundrymans Society(IMONO) v.66 no.12 Mitsuru Adachi
  5. Metals and Materials v.5 G.A. Chadwick;T.M. Yue
  6. 대한금속학회보 v.9 no.2 이호인
  7. 대한금속학회보 v.9 no.2 한요섭;김기배;김용준
  8. 한국주조공학회 창립20주년 특집호 이호인
  9. AFS Trans. v.82 S. Okada;N. Fujii;A. Gato;S.Morimoto;T. Yasiad
  10. Metall. Trans. v.29A C. P. Hing;H. F. Shen;I. S. Cho
  11. J. Loght Metals Society v.31 no.11 H. Ishimaru;J. kaneko;M. Sugamata;
  12. Metall. Trans. v.30A J. X. Dong;P. A. karenzis;G. Durrant;B. Cantor
  13. Die casting Engineer K. Chinnathambi
  14. SAE Transaction paper 981188 David T. Gerken;Craig C. Conaty;Toshio Ogiwara
  15. Diecast(Japan) no.86 N. Nishi;Y. Egoshi;Y. Takahashi