- 인하대학교 이학석사학위청구논문 인천 연안 조간대 저서생물에 대한 생태학적 연구 박흥식
- 한국해양학회지 v.13 no.1 인천항 부근 수로의 조류 봉종헌
- 서울대학교 이학박사학위논문 동죽(Mactra veneriformis:Bivalvia)의 성장과 개체군 동태 신현출
- 인하대학교 이학박사학위청구논문 연안해역 개발에 따른 해양 저서생태계의 장기변동 연구 정래홍
- 기상월보 중앙기상대
- 한국육수학회지 v.4 대합과 가무락 종패 생산을 위한 생태적 연구 최기철
- 우리나라의 갯벌 해양수산부
- Mar. Pollut. Bull. v.36 no.11 Macrobenthic communities impacted by anthropogenic activites in an intertidal sand flat on the west coast(Yellow sea) of Korea Ahn, I.Y.;J.W. Choi
- J. Oceanol. Soc. Korea v.27 no.1 Environments and distribution of benthic animals in the Mangkyung-Dongjin tidal flat, West Coast of Korea An, S.M.;C.H. Koh
- Neth. J. Sea Res. v.10 no.2 Biomass and species richness of the macrobenthic animals living on the tidal flats of the Dutch Wadden Sea.:Effect of a severe winter Beukema, J.J.
- Hydrobiologia v.142 Common patterns in the fluctuations of macrozoobenthic species living at different places on tidal flats in the Wadden sea Beukema, J.J.;K. Essink
- Helgoander Meeresunters v.43 Long-tern changes in macrobethic abundance on the tidal flats of the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea Beukema, J.J.
- Ecol. Monogr. v.27 An ordination of the upland forest communities of Southern Wisconsin Bray, J.R.;J.T. Curtis
- Yongyu-do An ecological study of the macrobethic community on two tidal flats Choi, B.M.
- J. Oceanol. Soc. Korea v.21 no.1 The ecological study of phytoplankton in Kyeonggi Bay, Yellow Sea. 1. Environmental characteristics Choi, J.K;J.H. Shim
- Ocean Res. v.20 no.2 Spatial distribution of macrobenthos in the Sand flat of Taebudo, Kyonggi Bay, the West Coast of Korea Choi, J.W.;D.S. Kim;S.H. Shin;J.G. Je
- Proc. 13th European Mar. Biol. Symp. Cyclic temperature fluctuation in a tidal mudflat. In: Cyclic phenomena in marine plants and animals De Wilde, P.A.;E.M. Berghius;Naylor, E.(ed.);Hartnoll, R.G.(ed.);
- Biol. Oceanogr. v.1 Gulf of Mexico outer continental shelf benthos: Macroinfaunal-environmental relationships Flint, R.W.
- J. Sed. Pet. v.27 Brazos river bar: A study in the significance of grain-size parameters Folk, R.L.;W.C. Ward
- Senckenbergiana marit v.195-6 Zonation of benthic on a Macrotidal Flat Frey, R.W.;J.S. Hong;J.D. Howard;B.K. Park;S.J. Han
- The Ecology on Marine Sediments- An Introduction to the Structure and Function of Benthic Communities Gray, J.S.
- J. Korean Soc. Oceanogr. v.34 no.4 Macrobenthic communities on the tidal flats around Yongjong and Yongyu Ialands Hong, J.S.;J.W. Yoo;R.H. Jung;I.S. Seo;B.S. Koh
- Neth. J. Sea Res. v.22 no.3 Environmental characteristics and distribution of macrobethos in a mud flat of the West Coast of Korea(Yellow Sea) Koh, C.H.;H.C. Shin
- Comput. Jour. v.9 A general theory for classifacatory sorting strategies.1. Hierarchical systems Lance, G.N.;W.T. Williams
- Ocean Res. v.20 no.2 Marine biota of the macro-tidal flat of Namsari, Taebudo in the West Coast of Korea Lee, S.W.;H.Y. Lee;S.H. Shin;D.S. Kim;J.W. Lee;J.G.Je
- Marine Biology-Function, Biodiversity, Ecology- Levinton, J.S.
- Acta Zool. Taiwanica v.3 no.1 The distribution and ecology of intertidal benthos in central-west coast of Taiwan Li, J.J.
- Ocean Res. v.20 no.2 Macrobenthic communities on the macro-tidal flats of Taebudo and Tando in the West Coast of Korea Lim, H.S.;J.G. Je
- Publnes Inst. Biol. apl. Barcelona v.9 Diversidad de especies en las comunidades naturales Margalef, R.
- Marine Biology v.6 Benthic polychaete assemblages and their relationship to the sediment in Port Madison Nichols, F.H.
- American Scientist v.79 Intertidal zonation of marine invertbrates in sand and mud Peterson, C.H.
- Ecological Diversity Pielou, E.C.
- J. Mar. Res. v.28 The influence of deposit feeding organisms on sediment stability and community trophic structure Rhoads, D.C.;D.K. Young
- Limmol. Oceanogr. v.3 Benthic studies in Buzzards Bay.1. Animal sediment relationships Sanders, H.L.
- The mathematical theory of Communication Univ. Illinois Press Shannon, C.E.;W. Weaver
- J. Oceanol. Soc. Korea v.24 Faunal assemblages of benthic macrofauna in the inter-and subtidal region of the inner Kyeonggi Bay, west coast of Korea Shin, H.C.;J.W. Choi;C.H. Koh
- Bull. Korean Fish. Soc. v.26 no.1 Study on the environment and benthos in the intertidal zone of Haenam Peninsula Shin, S.
- Nature v.163 Measurement of diversity Simpson, E.H.
- Cont. Shelf Res. v.3 Macrobenthos-sediment relationships on the continental shelf off Cape Hatteras Weston, D.P.
- Biol. Bull. v.152 Seasonal changes in the community structure of the macrobenthos inhabiting the intertidal sand and mus flats of Barnstable Harbor Whitlatch, R.B.
- Bull. Korean Fish. Soc. v.8 no.3 Studies on the intertidal macrofauna community at Yong Ho Bay Yi, S.K.
- Bull. KORDI v.4 A study on the subtidal benthic community in Ulsan Bay Yi, S.K.;J.S. Hong;J.H. Lee
- Ph.D. thesis of Inha Univ. The spatial distribution and long-tern variation of macrofaunal communities on macrotidal flats in the west central coast of Korea Yoo, J.W.