영어모음 /$\ae$/, /c/, /$\alpha$/ 발음길이 연구

A Study on the English Vowel Lengths /$\ae$/, /c/, and /$\alpha$/

  • 박희석 (남서울대학교 외국어학부 영어)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


This study was done to find out the difference in vowel length between English produced by Americans and KATUSA soldiers. Though English pronunciation by Koreans shows different features in many ways, I focused on English vowel length of KATUSA soldiers. I wanted to know if English low vowels show a foreign accent by comparing vowel lengths in English produced by Americans and KATUSA soldiers. The reason I wanted to deal with English low vowels is that most Koreans have difficulty in pronouncing them. Therefore I selected three English low vowels, /$\{\ae}$, /c/, and/$\alpha$/, as the experimental object, and I tried to find out the foreign accent of them. In this study, I also tried to find out the vowel lengths in relation to their utterance positions and see the foreign accent of English low vowels. I investigated the difference of the English low vowels lengths between Americans and KATUSA soldiers using information gathered from experimental results.
