The Clinical Report about the Stagnation Syndrome of Qi (기울증) Treated with Gyogam-dan plus Ganggi-tang

기울증을 교감단합항기탕으로 치료한 임상 1예

  • 이진헌 (국립의료원 한방진료부 내과) ;
  • 조성은 (국립의료원 한방진료부 내과) ;
  • 우영민 (국립의료원 한방진료부 침구과) ;
  • 김용호 (국립의료원 한방진료부 내과)
  • Published : 2001.12.01


The Stagnation Syndrome of Qi is the depressed and suppressed mental state caused by anxiety, unaccomplished desire, maintained thought, and emotional problems, resulting in a concomitant physiological somatic dysfunction. Although blood test, urine test, EKG, and gastric endoscopy showed normal finding. a patient complained of a group of symptoms, so we considered it as an unidentified clinical syndrome. This syndrome could be interpreted as the disconnection of Fire (Heart) and Water (Kidney) in Oriental medicine, and treated with the therapeutic method of 'Ascending Water-Descending Fire'. After the application of Gyogam-dan and Ganggi-tang for 18 days, symptoms and signs improved.



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