신경망 최적화 회로를 이용한 여유자유도 로봇의 유연 가조작 모션 제어 방법

A Dexterous Motion Control Method of Redundant Robot Manipulators based on Neural Optimization Networks

  • 발행 : 2001.07.01


An effective dexterous motion control method of redundant robot manipulators based on neural optimization network is proposed to satisfy multi-criteria such as singularity avoidance, minimizing energy consumption, and avoiding physical limits of actuator, while performing a given task. The method employs a neural optimization network with parallel processing capability, where only a simple geometric analysis for resolved motion of each joint is required instead of computing of the Jacobian and its pseudo inverse matrix. For dexterous motion, a joint geometric manipulability measure(JGMM) is proposed. JGMM evaluates a contribution of each joint differential motion in enlarging the length of the shortest axis among principal axes of the manipulability ellipsoid volume approximately obtained by a geometric analysis. Redundant robot manipulators is then controlled by neural optimization networks in such a way that 1) linear combination of the resolved motion by each joint differential motion should be equal to the desired velocity, 2) physical limits of joints are not violated, and 3) weighted sum of the square of each differential joint motion is minimized where weightings are adjusted by JGMM. To show the validity of the proposed method, several numerical examples are illustrated.
