과학영재의 동기에 대한 암묵적 이론 접근

A Comparative Study of Motivation Factors between the Gifted and Average Students based on Implicit Theory

  • 발행 : 2001.12.01


본 연구의 목적은 학생들의 학습활동에 관련된 동기화 요인이 무엇이며 초·중학교 영재 집단과 영재 집단에 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 암묵적 이론의 견지에서 알아보려는 것이었다. 조사결과 학생들이 가장 동기화 되어 있는 학습활동은 모든 집단에서 영어와 수학이었다. 영어와 수학과 같은 교과를 더 열심히 하고자 하는 이유로는 재미, 필요, 경쟁, 자존심, 진학, 부모님의 권유, 칭찬, 처벌회피 등 28가지로 나타났다. 학습활동의 원인에 관한 요인분석의 결과 초등학생의 경우, 4가지 요인이 나타났으며, 이들 중 공통된 요인은 유용성이다. 두 집단간 차이로서 초등학교 영재 집단은 인정, 흥미 요인이 나타나는 반면, 초등학교 영재 집단은 지식획득이 중요요인으로 나타났다. 중학생의 경우, 5가지 요인이 나타났으며, 인정, 흥미, 유용성 요인은 공통적이다. 차이로는 영재 중학생에게서 지식획득 요인이 나타나는 반면, 영재 중학생에게서는 경쟁 요인이 나타난 점이다.

The purpose of the present study is to determine antecedents in the area of subject matters and to compare these factors between average student group and gifted student group, based on the implicit theory proposed by Sternberg(1993). The average group consisted of 350 primary school students (boy 172; girl 178) from a primary school and 380 middle school students (boy 221; girl 159) from a middle school in Taejeon Metropolitan City. The gifted group consisted of 181 primary school students (boy 130; girl 51) and 154 middle school students (boy 92; girl 62) from the Center for the Gifted Education of the Kong Ju National University. A questionnaire was developed by the authors. It consisted of 30 research questions related to reasons why they studied those subject matters hard. It took about 40 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Several exploratory factor analyses and confirmative analyses were conducted. The main results obtained were as follows: The subject matters all the students of the present study were English and Math. The main reasons why they studied those subject matters hard were interest, utility, competition, self-esteem, entrance examination, recognition, punishment avoidance, etc. A factor analysis revealed that, for the elementary school students, recognition and interest were factors for the average students, whereas knowledge acquisition was an unique factor for the gifted. Utility was common factor for both groups. A factor analysis revealed that, for the middle school students, knowledge acquisition was the main factor for the average students, whereas competition was the unique factor for the gifted. Recognition, interest, and utility were common factors for the both groups.
