커뮤니티센터 모델 개발을 위한 동사무소 시솔 및 프로그램 분석

Public Service Facilities and Programs of District (Dong) Office as a Community Center

  • 조재순 (한국교원대학교 가정교육과) ;
  • 이경희 (중앙대학교 생활경정보학과) ;
  • 곽인숙 (우석대학교 의상·주택학부 주택전공) ;
  • 박정희 (목포대학교 소비자 아동 주거학과)
  • 발행 : 2001.04.01


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the service facilities and activity programs of district(Dong) office so as to develope a model of a service integrated community center Various research methods were used for this study: Field research and interviews with the managers have been done in four offices during July and August, 2000. The facilities and programs of twenty district((Dong) offices were analyzed and ninety visitors of two district(Dong) offices were surveyed. The results showed that most visitors crime to the district(Dong) office for administrative services associated with the registration for citizenships. Visitors of district(Dong) office with activity programs were more Likely to factor to the service integrated community center than were those without. The size and kinds of facilities among district(Dong) office centers were varied and contrained by the size of the building but the activity programs were very similar and mainly arts and crafts, sports, music, and health for young housewives. Several implications from the results were suggested to the model of a service integrated community center.
