제1기계시대 건축디자인에서의 유사과학주의에 관한 연구

A Study on the Pseudo-Scientifism in Architectural Design in the First Machine Age

  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


Science, technology and machine aesthetics were the main theme of architectural design in the first machine age. Modern architecture used the theory of science as its framework. But the theory of science was used not as a professional way, but as a pseudo-scientific way by modern architects. It was because that modern architects relied on the spiritual, mystical realm of science and mathematics. Moreover, the avant-garde movement in modernism used the theory of science and mathematics for its complicated and ailenated nature and scientific image. The pseudo-scientifism in architectural design in the first machine age was expressed mainly as a concentration on the 4th dimensional space and the use of symbolic image of science and technology.



  1. 건축과 기술 김광현
  2. 영남대 석론 현대건축에 전이된 De Stijl 운동의 형태적 특성에 관한 연구 박상현
  3. 대한건축학회논문집 v.13 no.4 러시아 아방가르드 건축가들의 과학적 방법에 관한 연구 전영훈;김광현
  4. Theory and Design in the First Machine Age,제1기계시대의 이론과 디자인 Banham, R;윤재희;지연순(역)
  5. The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidian Geometry in Modern Art Henderson, L. D.
  6. Russia: An Architecture for Wolrld Revolution,러시아: 세계혁명을 위한 건축 Lissitzky, E;김원갑(역)
  7. Deconstruction Papadakis, A
  8. Theory and Design in the Second Machine Age Pawley, M
  9. The Futurist Moment Perloff, M.
  10. The Theory of Avant-Garde Poggioli, R
  11. From Science of Art to System of Art Railing, P
  12. Art & Physics,미술과 블리의 만남 Shlain L;김진엽(역)
  13. Space in Architecture,건축공간론 Van de Ven. C;정진원;고성룡(역)