연안도시지역에서 대기오염의 3차원 수치예측모델링 -II. 대기오염물질의 이동과 화산예측-

3-D Numerical Prediction Modeling of Air Pollution in Coastal Urban Region - II. Movement and Diffusion Prediction of Air Pollutants -

  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


To investigate air quality away from the coastal urban source region, we used a hybrid Eulerian - Lagrangian method which can describe the formation, transport, transform and deposition processes in complex terrain, with inclusion of shipping sources that were considered to be important emission in the coastal urban region. The result of the Eulerian advection - diffusion prediction was quite similar to that of the Lagrangian particle diffusion prediction. It showed that pollutants emitted from Sasang and Janglim industrial complexes can affect Hwamyeong and the coastal, respectively. During the daytime the concentration was low due to large deposition flux and terrain effect.



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