경북지역에서 관측된 야간 대기경계층의 특성

Characteristics of Nocturnal Boundary Layer Observed in Kyungpook Province

  • 권병혁 (부경대학교 위성정보과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2001.10.01


Characgcteristics of nocturnal boundary layer(NBL) were analyzed by the upper-air observations data using with the airsonde and pilot balloons from 1994 to 1999 in Kyungpook province. The automate weather boundary layer can become stably stratified when the surface is cooler than the air. Stable nocturnal boundary layer height were estimated from the top of surface stable layer where the vertical gradient of temperature and mixing ratio tend to zero or negative. The depth of the stable nocturnal boundary layer depended largely on the thermal effect rather than the wind effect at nighttime. The NBL was more developed on the land than on the coastal region. The stability index (bulk Richardson number) showed that the NBL was stable when the wind was weak and the vertical gradient of the temperature was strong. The heat budget in the NBL was studied by considering the effect of the radiative and the cooled by both the longwave radiative flux and the divergence of the heat flux, while NBL under the cloudy sky the longwave radiative flux played a role of the warming. It was noted that the heat was not conserved in both cases. To complete the heat budget in the NBL the warming/cooling by advection and subsidence must be considered.



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