사상곰팡이의 분자유전학적 연구

Molecular Genetics of Filamentous Fungi

  • 발행 : 2001.12.01




  1. Phytopathology v.87 AAL-toxin deficient mutants of Alternaria alternata tomato pathotype by restriction enzyme-mediated integration Akamatsu, H.;Y. Itoh;M. Kodama;H. Otani;K. Kohmoto
  2. Mol. Cell. Biol. v.5 General methods for cloning Neurospora crassa nuclear genes by complementation of mutants Alkins, R. A.;A. M. Lanbowitz
  3. Introductory Mycology, (4th ed.) Alexopoulos, C. J.;C. W. Mims;M. Blackwell
  4. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. v.12 Identification of pathogenicity mutants of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea by insertional mutagenesis Balhad re, P. V.;A. J. Foster;N. J. Talbot
  5. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. v.38 Role of mitochondrial DNA in the senescence and hypovirulence of fungi and potential for plant disease control Bertrand H.
  6. Mol. Gen. Genet. v.248 Tagging pathogenicity genes in Ustilago maydis by restriction enzyme-mediated integration(REMI) B Lker, M.;H. U. B. hnert;K. H. Braun;J. G rl;R. Kahmann
  7. Phytopathology v.89 Sexual Recombination in Gibberella zeae Bowden, R. L.;Leslie, J. F.
  8. Nucleic Acids Res. v.18 Transformation of filamentous fungi by elctroporaion Chakraborty, B. N.;M. Kapoor
  9. Nat. Biotechnol. v.18 Stable trasformation of Erysiphe graminis an obligate biotrophic pathogen of barely Chaure P.;S. J. Gutt;P. Spanu
  10. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. v.61 Mating types and sexual development in filamentous ascomycetes Coppin, E.;R. Debuchy;S, Arnaise;M. picard
  11. J. Genet. v.75 Fungal transposable elements;Generators of diversity and genetic tools Daboussi. S. F.
  12. Modern Mycology(3rd ed.) Deacon, J. W.
  13. Fungal Genetics(4th ed.) Fincham, J. R. S.;P. R. Day;A. Radford
  14. Microbiol. Rev. v.53 Transformation in Fungi Fincham, J. R. S.
  15. Genes. Science v.274 Life with 6000 Genes Goffeau A. B. G. Barrell;H. Bussey;R. W. Davis(et. al.)
  16. J. Sci. Ind. Res. v.51 Fungal protoplast fusion-A tool for breeding industrial strains Gokhale, D. V.
  17. Nat. Biotech. v.16 Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of filamentous fungi de Groot, M. J. A.;P. Bundock;P. J. J. Hooykass;A. G. M. Beijerbergen
  18. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.98 Gene discovery and gene function assignment in filamentous fungi Hamer L.;K. Adachi;M. V. Montenegro-Chamorro(et. al.)
  19. Curr. Genet. v.25 Biolistic transformation of conidia of Botryotinia fuckeliana Hilber U. W.;M. Bodmer;F. D. Smith;W. Koller
  20. Mol. Gen. Genet. v.242 Cloning of the blasticidin S diaminase gene (BSD) from Aspergillus terrus and its use as a selectable maker for Schizosacharomyces prombe and Pyricularia oryzae Kimura M.;T. Kamakura;Q. Z. Tao;I. Kaneko;I. Yamaguchi
  21. Plant Cell v.11 T-DNA as an insertional mutagen in Arabidopsis Krysan, P. J.;J. C. Young;M. R. Sussman
  22. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.89 Tagging developmental genes in Dictyostelium by restriction enzyme-mediated integration of plasmid DNA Kuspa, A.;W. F. Loomis
  23. Tril13 and Tril7 determine deoxynivalenol-and nivalenol-producng chemotypes of Gibberella zeae Lee, T.;Y. K. Han;K. H. Kim;S. H. Yun;Y. W. Lee
  24. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.67 Identification of deoxynivalenol-and nivalenol-producing chemotypes of Gibbrella zeae by using PCR Lee, T.;D.-W. Oh;H.-S. Kim;J. Lee;Y.-H Kim;S.-H. Yun;Y.-W. Lee
  25. Yeast. v.14 Additional modules for versatile and economical PCR-based gene deletion and modification in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Lougtine M.S.;A. 3rd. McKenzie;D. J. Demarini;N. G. Shah;A. Wach;A. Brachat;P. Philippsen;J. R. Pringle
  26. Gene v.158 Gene disruption with PCR products in Sacharomyces cerevisiae Lorenz M. C.;R.S. Muir;E. Lim;J. McElver;S. C. Weber;J. Heitman
  27. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.91 Tagged mutations at the Toxl locus of Cochliobolus heterostrophus by restriction enzyme-mediated integration Lu, S.;L. Lyngholm;G. Yang;C. Bronson;O. C. Yoder
  28. Curr. Gent. v.40 Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation of the phytopathogenic ascomycete Calonectria morganii Malonek S.;F. Meinhardt
  29. Phytopathology v.90 Recovery of mutants impaired inpathogenicity after transposition of impala in pathogenicity after tranposition of implala in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis. Migheli, Q.;C. Steinberg;J.M. Daviere(et. al.)
  30. Curr. Genet. v.39 Transformation of the cultivated mushroom Agaricus bisporus (Lange) using T-DNA from Agrobacterium tumefaciens Mikosch T. S.;B. Lavrijssen;A. S. Sonnenberg;L. J. van Griensven
  31. Phytopathology v.91 Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Fusarium oxysporum;An efficient tool for insertional mutagenesis and gene transfer Mullins, E.D.;X. Chen;P. Romaine;R. Raina;D. M. Geiser;S. Kang
  32. Mol. Cell. Biol. v.6 Cloning and characterization of the gene for β-tublin from a benomyl-resistanc mutant of Neurospora crassa and its use as a dominant selectable marker Orbach, M. J.;E. B. Porro;C. Yanofsky
  33. Applied Molecular Genetics of Fungi Peberdy, J. F.;C. E. Caten;J. E. Ogden;J. W. Bennett
  34. Exp. Mycol. v.16 Sexual crosses of homothalic fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici based on use of an auxotroph obtained by trasformation Pilgeram, A. L.;J. M. Henson
  35. Gene v.56 Trasformation of Aspergillus based on the hygromycin B resistance marker from Escherichia coli. Punt, P. J.;R. P. Oliver;M. A. Dingemanse;P. H. Pouwels;C. A. M. J. J. van den Hondel
  36. Curr. Genet. v.36 Transformation of the bioherbicide Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes f. sp. aeschynomene by electroporation of germinated conidia Robinson M.;A. Sharon
  37. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.88 Integration of DNA fragments by illegitimate recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Schiestle, R. H.;T. D. Peters
  38. Curr. Genet. v.26 Highly-efficient transformation of the homobasidiomycets Schizophyllum commune to phleomycin resistance Schuren. F. H.;J. G. Wessels
  39. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. v.11 Magnaporthe grisea pathogenicity genes obtained throuth insertional mutagenesis Sweigard, J. A.;A. M. Carroll;L. Farrall;F. C. Chumley;B. Valent
  40. Curr. Genet. v.14 Diploid construction by protoplast fusion in Fulvia fulva (syn. Cladosporium fulvum);genetic analysis of an impefect plant pathogen Talbot, N.J.;A. Coddington.;I. N. Robert;R. P. Oliver
  41. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. v.14 Transposon impala;a novel tool for gene tagging in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea Villaba F.;M. H. Lebrun;A. Hua-Van;M. J. Daboussi;M. C. Grosjean-Cournoyer
  42. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.83 Efficient cloning of genes of Neurospora crassa Vollmer, S.J.;C. Yanofsky
  43. Yeast v.10 New heterologous modules for classical of PCR-based gene disruptions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wach A.;A. Brachat;R. Pohlmann;P. Philippsen
  44. Gene v.242 PCR-based gene targeting in the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii Wendland J.;Y. Ayad-Durieux;P. Knechtle;C. Rebischung;P. Philippsen
  45. Curr. Genet. v.29 Delection of the Cochliobolus heterostrophus mating-type (MAT) locus promotes the function of MAT transgenes Wirsel, S.;B. G. Turgeon;O. C. Yoder
  46. J. Genet. v.75 Molecular-genetic evaluation of fungal molecules for roles in pathegenesis to plants Yoder, O. C.;B. G. Turgeon
  47. Fungal Genet. Biol. v.31 Molecular organization of mating type loci in heterothallic, homothallic, and asexual species Yun, S.-H.;T. Arie;I. Kaneko;O. C. Yoder;B. G. Tuegeon
  48. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.96 Evolution of the fungal self-fertile reproductive life style from self-sterile ancestors Yun, S.-H.;Berbee, M.L.;Yoder, O. C.Turgeon, B.G.
  49. Physiol. Mol. Plant. Pathol. v.52 REMI-induced mutants of Mycosphaerella zeae-maydis lacking the PM-toxin are deficient in pathogenesis to corn Yun, S.-H.;B. G. Turgeon;O. C. Yoder