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Immunohistochemical and Electron Microscopical Studies on the Initial Skin Lesions Induced Experimentally by Very Virulent Strain of Marek`s Disease Virus in Chickens

  • 조경오 (전남대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


Immunohistochemical and Electron Microscopical Studies on the Initial Skin Lesions Induced Experimentally by Very Virulent Strain of Marek\`s Disease Virus in Chickens Marek\`s disease virus (MDV), which is an avian herpesvirus, causes malignant CD3+CD4+CD8-T cell lymphomas at many sites including visceral organs, muscles, peripheral nerves and skin. In the early skin lesions induced by MDV, corelationship between the translational activity of MDV early gene, pp38 and demonstration of MDV particles in the lymphoid cells are not well studied. Therefore, skin biopsies taken at weekly intervals for 2 weeks from the same specific-pathogen free chicknes inoculated with Md/5 MDV were examined immunohistochemically and electron microscopically. In the skin biopsies sampled at 1 week and 2 weeks post inoculation (PI), feather follicle epithelium (FFE) exhibited usually strong positive reaction for pp38, whereas only few lymphoblasts, which were infiltrated around FFE revealed positive reaction. Electron microscopically, small lymphocytes were detectable in the dermis and subcutaneous skin tissues sampled at 1 week PI. The number of small lymphocytes was increased and pleomorphic lymphoblasts, which were medium to large in size were scattered among the small lymphocytes at 2 weeks PI. Some of lymphoblasts revealed degenerative and necrotic changes. FFE contained a lot of MDV particles in the nucleus including mature and immature ones. Infrequently, immature virus particles were observed not only in the degenerative and necrotic lymphoblasts, but also rarely in the health lymphoblasts. From the present results, spontaneous MDV activation including translational activity of MDV pp38 gene and formation of MDV particles was occurred in the lymphoblasts of early MD skin lesions.



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