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- J. Clin. Ultrasound v.14 Increased renal cortical echogenicity in pediatric patient renal disease: histopathologic correlations Brenbridge AN;Chevalier BL;Kaiser DL
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- Am. J. Roentgenol v.151 The inability to detect kidney disease on the basis of echogenicity Platt JF;Rubin JM;Browerman RA;Marn CS
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- Invest. Radiol v.31 no.10 Gray-scale sonographic characterization of aminoglycoside induced neph- rotoxicosis in a canine model Rivers BJ;Walter PA;Holm JC;Letoumeau JG;Finlay DE;Ritenour ER;King VL;O'Brien TD;Polzin DJ
- J. Am. Anim Hosp Assoc v.32 Evaluation of urine gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase-to-creatinine ratio as a diagnostic tool in an experimental model of aminoglycoside-induced acute renal failure in the dog Rivers BJ;Walter PA;O'Brien TD;King VL;Polzin DJ
- Am. J. Roentgenol v.137 Renal parenchymal disease: histopathologic sonographic correlation Rosenfield AT;Siegel NJ
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- Radiology v.137 Ultrasound in experimental and clinical renal vein thrombosis Rosenfield AT;Zeman RK;Cronan JJ;Raylor KJW
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- Radiology v.155 Diabetes mellitus: the predominant cause of bilateral renal enlargement Segel MC;Lecky JW;Slasky BS
- Radiology v.118 The radiological spectrum of acute pyelonephritis in adults and adolescents Silver TM;Kass EJ;Thornbury JR;Konnak JW
- Vet Path v.17 Gentamicin nephrotoxicity in the dog: sequential light and electrom microscopy Spangler WL;Adelman RD;Ishizaki G
- Intensive Care Med v.16 Non-invasive monitoring of renal blood flow characteristics during acute renal failure in man Stevens PE;Gwyther SJ;Hanson ME;Kox WJ;Phillips ME
- Invest Radiol v.20 Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of acute renal allograft rejection and its differentiation from acute tubular necrosis: experimental study in the dog Terrier F;Hricak H;Revel D;Alpers C;Bretan P;Ehman RL;Fedudka NJ
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- Br J. Exp. Path v.62 Gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in mice: protection by loop diuretics Whiting PH;Petersen J;Simpson JG
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- 대한수의학회지 v.36 no.4 토끼의 방사선촬영상과 초음파촬영상에 나타난 신장크기의 비교평가 최민철;윤희준;이효종