- Appl. Environ. Microbiol. v.62 Copper toxicity towards Saccharomyces cerevisiae Avery, S. V.;N. G. Howlett;S. Radice
- J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. v.9 Isolation of Pseudomouas sp. strain exhibiting unusual behavior of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) biosynthesis and characterization of synthesized polyesters Chung, C.-W.;Y.-S. Kim;Y.-B. Kim;K.-S. Bae;Y.-H. Rhee
- Starch v.44 USDA research on starch-based biodegradable plastics Doane, W. M.
- Proceedings of the Second International Packaging Conference Packaging research and technology for agricultural and fishery products in Japan Hirata, T.
- Polymer abstracts v.22 Anti-bacterial property of silver ion exchanged polyethylene film Kim, H. J.;D. L. Cho
- Cereal Foods World v.35 Modified food starches Light, J. M.
- Biopolymers v.25 Norden, B.;Y. Matsuoka
- Biopolymers v.12 Interactions of metal ions with DNA Richard, H.;J. P. Schreiber;M. Duane
- Starch v.45 Development of starch based plastics - a reexamination of selected polymer systems in historical perspective Shogren, R. L.;G. F. Fanta;W. M. Doane
- Annu. Rev. Biochem. v.41 Biochemical effects of mercury, cadmium and lead Valee, B. L.;D. D. Ulmer
- Properties of Polymers Van Krevelen, D. W.
- Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. v.71 Relationship between residual metal ions in a solution and the inhibitory capability of the metal ions for pathogenic bacterial growth Zhao, Z.;Y. Sakagami;T. Osaka