- Aequationes Math. v.50 Hyers-Ulam stability of a functional equations in several variables G.L. Forti
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.184 A generalization of the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of approximately additive mappings P. Gavruta
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. v.27 On the Stability of the linear functional equation D.H. Hyers
- Birhauser Stability of a Functional equations in several variables D.H. Hyers;G. Isac;Th. M. Rassias
- Aequationes. Math. v.44 Approximate homomorphisms D.H. Hyers;Th. M. Rassias
- Aequationes. Math. v.60 Stability of generalized gamma and beta functional equations K.W. Jun;G.H. Kim;Y.W. Lee
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.126 Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of Jensen's equation and its application S.M. Jung
- J. Mah. Anal. Appl. v.238 A generalization of the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of Jensen's Equation Y.H. Lee;K.W. Jun
- Bull. Institute of Math. Academia Sinica v.28 The stability of derivations on Banach algebras Y.W. Lee
- Demonstratio Math. XXIX On the stability of the general Euler-Lagrange functional equation Th. M. Rassias
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.72 On the stability of the linear mapping in Banach spaces
- Science editions Problems in Modern Mathematics S.M. Ulam