- 제9차 한국가정과교육학회 학술대회 자료집 제 7차가정과 교육과정의 방향 모색 김경애
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- Qualitative research for education Bogdan, R.;Biklen, S.
- The Ecology of Human Development Bronfenbrenner, U.
- Home Economics: A Definition Brown, M.;Paolucci, B.
- Secondary home economics teacher change toward a critical consciousness orientation Carlson, S.
- Interpretive Human Studies: An introduction to Phenomenological Research Darroch Vitivan;Ronald J. Silvers
- Life in classrooms Jackson, P.
- School teacher: A sociological study Lortie, D.
- Instructional Science v.10 Teacher influence in the classroom: A context for understanding curriculum translation Olson, J.
- Seeing Curriculum in a New Light: Essays from Science Education Theory, curriculum development and the unique ebents of practice Robert, D. A.;H. Munby(ed.);G. Orpwood(ed.);T. Russel(ed.)
- Theory and Research in Social Education v.3 no.1 An exploration of alternative research on social education Van Manen. M.