• Kauffman, Louis H. (Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago)
  • 발행 : 2001.03.01


This paper is an exposition of the relationship between Witten's functional integral and Vassiliev invariants.



  1. Phys.Lett.B. v.417 The semiclassical approximation for the Chern-Simons partition function D.Adams
  2. Commun.Math.Phys. v.186 A Mathematical Construction of the Non-Abelian Chern-Simons Functional Integral S.Albevario;A.Sen-Gupta
  3. Phys.Rev.Lett. v.69 Weaving a Classical Geometry with Quantum Threads Ashtekar;Abhay;Rovelli;Carlo;Smolin;Lee
  4. Vommun.Math,Phys v.187 Vassiliev kont invariants and Chern-Simons perturbation theory to all orders D.Altschuler;L.Freidel
  5. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Scuola Superiore Lezioni Fermaiare Geometry of Yang-Mills Fields M.F,Atiyah
  6. The Geometry and Physics of Knots M.F,Atiyah
  7. A Primer of Infnitesimal Calculus J.L.Bell
  8. Topopgy v.34 On the Vassiliev kont invarants K.Bar-Natan
  9. Ph,D,Thesis Perturbative Aspects of the Chern-Simons Topological Quantum field Theory Dror Bar-Natan
  10. Invent Math. v.111 no.2 Knot polynomials and Vassilier's invariants J,Birman;X,S,Lin
  11. Jour,Math,Phys v.35 On the self-linking of knots R,Bott;C,Tauves
  12. C,R,Acad.Sci.Paris v.316 Construction combinatoire des invariants de Vassiliev-Kontsevich des noeuds P.Cartier
  13. On Numbers and Games J,H,Comway
  14. Commun.Math.Phys v.126 The Chern Simons Theory and Knot Polynomials J,Frohlich;C,King
  15. Applications of TQFT to invariants in low dimensional topology S.Garoufalidis
  16. Physics Letters B. v.238 no.4 Chern-Simons model and new relations between the Homfoy coefficients EmGuadagnini;M,Martellini;M,Mintchev
  17. Commun.Math.Phys no.141 Computer calculation of Witten's three-manifold invariant D,S,Freed;R,E,Gompf
  18. Infinitesimal Calculus J,M,Henle;E.W.Kleinberg
  19. Commun.Math.Phys no.147 Chern-Simons-Witten invariants of lens spaces and torus bundles, and the semo-classical approximation L.C,Jeffrey
  20. Bull.Amer.Math.Soc. no.129 A polynomial invariant of linds via von Neumann algebras V.F.R.Jones
  21. Ann.of Math, v.126 Hecke algebra representations of braid groups and lind polynomials V.F.R.Jones
  22. pacific.J.Math. v.137 no.2 On kont invariants related to some statistical mechanics models V.F.R.Jones
  23. Annals Study no.115 On Konts L.H.Kauffman
  24. Toplogy v.26 State Models and the Jones Polynomial L.H.Kauffman
  25. AMS Contemp.Math.Series v.78 Statistical mechanics and the Jones polynomial L.H.Kauffman
  26. Amer.Math.Monthly v.95 no.3 New invariants in the theory of konts L.H.Kauffman
  27. Journal of Kont Theory and Its Ramifications v.1 no.1 Lind polunomials and a graphical calculus L.H.Kauffman;P.Vogel
  28. Konts and Physics L.H
  29. Annals of Mathematics Study v.114 Temperley-Lieb Recoupling Theory and Invariants of 3-Mainfolds L.H.Kauffman;S,L.Lins
  30. J,Math,Physics v.36 no.5 Functional Integraltion and the theory of knots L.H.Kauffman
  31. Proceedings of the Lodz,Conference on Mathematical Physics ,AIP Confernce Proceedings v.453 Witten's Integral and the Kontsevich INtegrals,in Particles,Fields,and Gravitation L.H.Kauffman;Jakub Remblienski(ed)
  32. Invent,Math. v.45 A calculus for framed links in S³ R,Kirby
  33. Invent.Math. v.105 On the3-manifold invariants of Reshetikhin- Turaev for sl(2,C) R,Kirby;P.Melvin
  34. Graphs, homotopical algebra and low dimensional topology M.Kontsevich
  35. Amer.Math.Soc. v.78 Linear representations of braid groups and classical Yang-Baxter equations T,Kohno
  36. J.Math,Phys v.39 Kontsevich Integral for Vassiliev Invariants from Chern-Simons Perturbation Theory in the Ligt-Cone Gauge J,M.F,Labastida;E,Perez
  37. Universal finite type invariants of 3-manifolds T.Q.T.Le;J,Murakamo
  38. J,Math,Phys. v.36 no.11 Asymptotic expansions of Witten-Reshetikhin- Turaev invariants for some simple3-manifolds R,Lawrence
  39. Journal of Knot Theory and Ints Ramification v.2 The Temperle Lieb Algebra and 3-manifold invariants W.B.R.Lickorish
  40. Sheaves in Geometry and Logic S,MacLane;L,Moerdijk
  41. Intl.Math,Res,Notics no.11 Gauss diagram formula for Vassiliev invariants Micheal Polyak;Oleg Viro
  42. Nuvl.Phys.B. v.330 no.2-3 Quantum field theory and link invariants P.Cotta-Ramusino;E,Guadagnini;M,Martellini;M,Mintchev
  43. LOMI reprints E-4-87 and E-17-87, Steklov Institute,Leningrad,USSR Quantized universal enveloping algebras the Yang-Baxter equation and invariants of linds ⅠandⅡ N,Y,Reshetikhin
  44. Non-Standard Analysis A,Robinson
  45. Invent.Math. v.103 Invariants of Three Manifolds via link polynimials and quantum groups N,Y,Reshetidhin;V.Turaev
  46. In Knots and Applications Witten's invariant of3-dimensional manifolds: looop expansion and surgery calculus L.Tozansky;L,Kauffman(ed)
  47. Mod,Phys,Lett.A v.4 no.12 Link polynomials and critical points of the Chern-Simons path integrals L.Smolin
  48. LOMI preprint E-3-87, Steklov Institute,Leningrad,UssR.Inventiones Math v.92 The Yang-Baxter equations and invariavts of linds V,G,Tureav
  49. Topology v.31 State sum invariants of 3-manifolds and quantum6j symbols V,G,Turaev;O.Y.Viro
  50. International J. Of Math. v.4 no.2 Quantum invariants of 3-manifolds associated with classical sinplke Lie algebras V.G.Turaev;H,Wenzl