- Rev.Modern Phys v.20 Space-time approach to non-relativistic quantum mechanics R.P.Feynman
- Quantum mechanics and Path Integrals R,P,Feynman;A,R,Hibbs
- J.Math Mech. v.18 An operator-valued function space integral and a related integral equation R,H,Cameron;D,S,Storvick
- Lecture Notes in Math v.523 Mathematical Theory of Feynman Path Integrals S.Albeverio;R.Hoegh-Krohn
- Mem.Amer.Math.Soc v.46 no.288 A simple definition of the Feynman integral with applications R,H,Cameron;D,S,Storvick
- J.Math.Phys v.23 The equivalence of two approaches to the Feynman integral G.W.Johnson
- J.Math.Phys v.25 A bounded convergence theorem for the Feynman integral G.W.Johnson
- Int.Eqs. and Oper.Theory v.8 Perturbation theory and dominated convergence theorem for Feynman integrals M.L.Lapidus
- C.R. Acad.Sci.Paris Ser. A v.291 Mean and product formulas for the imaginary resolvents M.L.Lapidus
- C.R.Acad.Sci.Paris Ser.A v.291 Generalization of the Trotter-Lie formula M.L.Lapidus
- J.Korean Math.Soc v.28 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the Fresnel integrability of certain classes of functions K.S,Chang;G,W,Johnson;D.L.Skoug
- Am. Math.Soc v.100 Functions in the Fresnel Class Proc. K.S,Chang;G,W,Johnson;D.L.Skoug
- J.Funct.Anal v.63 Product formula for imaginary resolvents with application to a modified Feynman integral M.L.Lapidus
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- The Feynman integral and Feynman's operational calculus G.W.Hohnson;M.L.Lapidus
- Acta Applicandae Mathematicae v.47 B.DeFacio;G.W.Johnson;M.L.Lapidus
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- Proc.London Math.Soc v.66 no.3 The Rieman zeta-function and the one-dimensional Weyl-Berry conjicture for fractal drums M.L.Lapidus;C.Pomerance
- J.Math.Phys v.5 Feynman integrals and the Schrodivger equation E,Nelson
- Math.Notes. Dynamical theories of Brownian motion E.Nelson
- Functional integration and quantum physics B.Simon
- J.Neyman On some connections between probability tyeory and differential and integral equations in Proc. Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Ed. M.Kac
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- Phys.Lett v.B110 Functional measure topology and dynamical supersymmetry breaking S.Cecotti;L.Girardello
- Physics Lett v.104 Perturbations of the Laplacian supported by null sets with applications to polymer measures and quantum fields S.Albeverio;R.Hoegh-Krlhn;W.Karwowski;T.Lindstrom
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- Phys.Rev v.B5 Optical Absorption of Polarons in the Feynman-Hellworth-Iddings-Platzman Approximation J.T,Devreese;J,DeSitter;M.Goovaerts
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- Phys.Rev. v.76 Space-time approach to quantum electrodynamics R,P.Feynman
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- J.Math.Phys v.38 Propagation of light in the stationary field of multipole gravitational lens S.M.Kopeiken
- Ann.Phys.(Leipzig) v.8 On Measuring Gravitomagnetism via Spaceboard Clocks?: A Gravitomagnetic Clock Effect B.Mashhoon;F.Gronwald;D.S.Theiss
- Gravitation: An Introduction to Current Research R.Arnowitt;S.Deser;C.W.Misver;L.Witten(ed)