A Study on the Seasonal Load Characteristics in 22.9[kV] Bus

22.9[kV] 모선의 계절별 부하특성에 관한 연구

  • 이종필 (대덕대 시간강사) ;
  • 임재윤 (대덕대 컴퓨터전기전자계열 부교수·공박) ;
  • 지평식 (충주대 전기전자 및 정보공학부 조교수·공박) ;
  • 김기동 (한국전력공사) ;
  • 김정훈 (홍익대 전자전기공학구 교수·공박)
  • Published : 2001.06.01


A load modeling, micro method, is performed by component load modeling, load composition rate estimation and aggregation of component load model, etc. The load model obtained from this process must be applied to actual load bus to verify it and to get reliable load model. But it is difficult to apply every load bus due to al lot of load buses and complex experiment. This paper proposed the field test method in load bus to verify the load modeling. For appropriate field test, representative load buses are selected by the proposed algorithm considering the composition rate of user category in all load buses. The field tests were performed at selected load buses to obtain load characteristics of bus by time and seasonal without blackout. The results of measurement and analysis are presented in detail.



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