공동주책의 에너지소비와 이산화탄소 배출특성

  • 이윤규 (한국건설기술연구원 건축연구부) ;
  • 이강희 (안동대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2001.09.01


This study is to present the typical energy consumption criteria and $CO_2$ exhaust rate in multi-family housing complex by analyzing the energy consumption characteristics. The contents and methodology of this study are as follows; -Examining the documents of maintenance accounts, investigate the cost and its items expended by the annual maintenance in multi-family housing complex. -Survey each consumption of energy sources, maintenance area, location of multi-family housing complex, heating type, and so forth. -After classifying with heating type of multi-family housing complex investigated, Scrutinize the energy consumption by each source. -Analyze the characteristics of energy consumption and $CO_2$ exhaust through multiple regression analyses of maintenance property. -Suggest the typical energy consumption criteria (Mcal/$m^2$.year, Mcal/house.year) and $CO_2$ exhaust rate (kg-c/$m^2$.year, Kg-c/house.year) in multi-family housing complex. the results will come into basic data for estimating energy consumption in multi-family housing complex according to maintenance characteristics.



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