Carbon Dioxide Budget in Phragmites communis Stands

  • Ihm, Hyun-Bin (Department of Biology, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Ihm, Byung-Sun (Department of Biology, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Lee, Jeom-Sook (Department of Biology, Kunsan National University) ;
  • Kim, Jong-Wook (Department of Biology, Mokpo National University) ;
  • Kim, Ha-Song (Department of Herbal Medicine Resources Development, Naju College)
  • 발행 : 2001.12.31


The dynamic model was developed to simulate the photosynthetic rate of Phragmites communis stands in coastal ecosystem. The model was composed of the compartments of both climatic and biological variables. The former were photosynthetic photon flux density(PPFD), daily maximum- and minimum-temperature. The latter were combinations of the specific physiological responses of plant organs with the biomass of each organs. The PPFD and air temperature were calculated and using those values, gas exchange rate of each plant organ was calculated at every hour. The carbon budget was constructed using the modelled predictions. Analysis of annual productivity and fluxes showed that yearly gross population productivity, yearly population respiration and yearly net population productivity were 33.4, 21.3 and 12.1 $CO_2ton{\cdot}ha^{-2}{\cdot}yr^{-1}$, respectively. The final result was tested over two stands, produced promising predictions with regards to the levels of production attained. The model can be used to determine production potential under given climatic conditions and could even be applied to plant canopies with analogous biological characteristics.



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