Health Care Utilization of Pediatrics Outpatients in the Oriental Hospital

대전대학교(大田大學校) 부속(附屬) 한방병원(韓方病院) 소아과(小兒科)에 내원(來院)한 환자(患者)에 대한 실태(實態) 분석(分析)

  • Han Jae-Kyung (Dept. of Pediatrics College of Oriental Medicine, DaeJeon Unviersity) ;
  • Kim Yun-Hee (Dept. of Pediatrics College of Oriental Medicine, DaeJeon Unviersity)
  • 한재경 (대전대학교 부속 한방병원 소아과) ;
  • 김윤희 (대전대학교 한의과대학 소아과)
  • Published : 2001.12.15


Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate the attitude toward the oriental hospital among 100 pediatric outpatients. Methods : A questionnaire about the general characteristics of patients. the reason of choice or alteration was implemented. Results : 1. In distribution of sex & age, 60% was men and 40% women was between 2 and 6 years old. 2. In determinant factor for using Oriental medicine, 43.8% was tolerance increase of the western medicine and 33.0% was recommened by others. 3. In distribution of disease & therapeutic method, 62.5% was respiratory disease and 11.7% gastrointestinal disease, 64.3% was treated with oriental after Western medical therapy and 20.9% only Oriental medical care. 4. The changing causes for using Oriental after Western medicine, 35.9% was ineffective affect and 26.5% side effect. 5. The preference for using Oriental medicine, 41.6% was respiratory disease and 21.0% gastrointestinal disease. 6. The peculiarity of Oriental medicine compared with western medicine, 36% was effectiveness on the cronic disease and 14% for fundamental remedy. 7. The prodominance disease in Western medicine compared with Oriental medicine, 28% was operation, 18% common cold and 15% inflammatory disease 8. The questions about Oriental medicine, 22% was medical material's sanitation and place of origin, 18% harmness or not administered during long time. 9. The controversial point of Oriental medicine, 33.5% was expensive price and 27.7% difficulty of taking medicine. 10. In satisfaction degree of Oriental medicine, 69% was satisfied and 19% was very satisfied. Conclusions : Considering the above results, we have concluded that proper recognition about Oriental Pediatric medicine will be needed among patients.



  1. 한방소아과학 강의록 김덕곤(외 6명)
  2. 醫學入門 v.5 李천
  3. 동의소아과 임상실습 김덕곤(외 2명)
  4. 대한한방소아과학회지 v.10 소아과 외래환자의 주소증에 대한 고찰 이진용(외 3명)
  5. 대한한의학회지 v.21 모 한방병원 내원 환자의 의료이용실태 김지용(외 2명)
  6. 한방의료 수요와 공급에 관한 연구 송진용;홍성국