초오(草烏), 천오(川烏)에 대한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察)

The Bibilographic studies on Aconiti Ciliare Tuber and Radix Aconiti

  • 유창길 (상지대학교 한의과대학 침구학 교실) ;
  • 권기록 (상지대학교 한의과대학 침구학 교실)
  • Yoo, Chang-Kil (Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion SangJi Oriental Medicine Hospital, SangJi University) ;
  • Kwon, Gi-Rok (Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion SangJi Oriental Medicine Hospital, SangJi University)
  • 발행 : 2001.06.30


Objectives : Through the literature on the effect of Aconiti Cliare Tuber, Radix Aconiti, we are finding out the clinical posibility and revealing the more effective to intractable disease. Methods : We inverstigated the literatures of Oriental Medicine and experimental reports about Aconiti Cliare Tuber, Radix Aconiti. Results : 1. The taste of Aconiti Cliare Tuber, Radix Aconiti is hot, sweet, bitter, warm and hot, and the effect is dehumidification, warm up and relieve the pain, so it can be used for arthritis, hemiplegia, carpopedal spasm, sciatica, cancer, numbness. 2. A toxic constituent of Aconiti Cliare Tuber, Radix Aconitiis is induced by aconitine alkaloid, develope toxic symptoms and result in death. So it needs suitabe treatment for safety. 3. It is known that the toxicopathy due to Radix Aconiti was 3-30g(dosage for adult) and Aconiti Ciliare Tuber was 1-9g. But only using aconitine alkaloid to oral feeding, the toxicopathy due to 0.2mg/kg and lethal dose is 3-4mg. So we using this for treating, we must be careful and need more varialble study about toxicopathy, lethal dose. 4. On clinical treatment, we thought Aconiti Cliare Tuber, Radix Aconiti is so effective to intractable disease after control the toxicity, it may be need variable study on toxicity and clinical effects.



  1. 전국 한의학 학술대회 봉독요법의 류마티스 관절염 치료에 관한 연구 권기록
  2. 대한약침학회지 v.2 no.1 蛇毒에 관한 文獻的 考察 이진석;권기록
  3. 대한약침학회지 v.3 no.2 복어 毒에 관한 文獻的 考察 황태준;권기록;최익선
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  10. 本草易毒 汪昻
  11. 湖南省中藥材 製范 湖南省衛生斤(編)
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  35. 경희한의대논문집 v.13 혈위별 草烏수침자극이 흰쥐의 Adjuvant 관절염에 미치는 영향 강수일;최용태
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  37. 中藥製劑匯編 曺春林
  38. 浙江中醫雜誌 v.4 複方草烏注射液治療慢性軟組織疼痛82例 高銀德;劉小文;丁錫堂;李杭
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  65. 중약포제학 張賢哲;蔡貴花(編)
  66. 中藥藥性論 高효山(主編)
  67. 中藥學 南京中醫學院
  68. 新編中醫 制學 馬興民(編著)
  69. 中草藥不良反應急防治 丁濤

피인용 문헌

  1. The Study on toxicity and biological activities of Aconiti ciliare tuber Pharmacopuncture in Rats Original Articles vol.14, pp.1, 2011,
  2. Pharmacopuncture vol.34, pp.4, 2017,