부인강에서 발생한 설하신경의 신경초종 1례

A Case of Parapharyngeal Neurilemmoma Arising from Hypoglossal Nerve

  • 이성욱 (대림성모병원 이비인후과) ;
  • 은상용 (대림성모병원 이비인후과) ;
  • 박성준 (대림성모병원 이비인후과) ;
  • 이상훈 (대림성모병원 이비인후과)
  • Lee Seong-Ook (Department of Otolaryngology, Dae Rim Saint Mary's Hospital) ;
  • Eun Sang-Yong (Department of Otolaryngology, Dae Rim Saint Mary's Hospital) ;
  • Park Sung-Joon (Department of Otolaryngology, Dae Rim Saint Mary's Hospital) ;
  • Lee Sang-Hoon (Department of Otolaryngology, Dae Rim Saint Mary's Hospital)
  • 발행 : 2000.05.01


The neurilemmoma is a relatively uncommon benign neoplasm which is known to be originated from the schwann sheath of the nerve fiber. Parapharyngeal neurilemmomas may originate from any nerve traversing this space, but the vast majority arise from the vagus nerve and sympathetic chain. The neurilemmomas arising from the extracranial portion of the hypoglossal nerve are extremely rare. To our knowledge, the case we present is the ninth one to be reported occurring in the parapharyngeal space. Recently we experienced a case of parapharyngeal neurilemmoma arising from the hypoglossal nerve and so we report our case with a brief review of literatures.
