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- J Am Soc Nephrol v.10 Th1 and Th2 cytokine mRNA profiles in childhood nephrotic syndrome : evidence for increased IL-13 mRNA expression in relapse Yap, H.K.;Cheung, W.;Murugasu, B.;Sim, S.K.;Seah, C.C.;Jordan, S.C.
- J Exp Med v.187 Endogenous interleukin 4 is required for development of protective CD4+ T helper type 1 cell responses to Candida albicans Mencacci, A.;Del, Sero G.;Cenci, E.;dOstiani, C.F.;Bacci, A.;Montagnoli, C.;Kopf, M.;Romani, L.
- J Dairy Sci v.82 Shifts in bovine CD4 subpopulations increase T-helper-2 compared with T-helper-1 effector cells during the postpartum period Shafer Weaver, K.A.;Corl, C.M.;Sordillo, L.M.
- Journal of Immunology v.136 Two types of murine helper T cell clone. I. Definition according to profiles of lymphokine activities and secreted proteins Mosmann, T.R.;Cherwinski, H.;Bond, M.W.;Giedlin, M.A.;Coffman, R.L.
- Journal of Immunology v.140 IL-4 is an essential factor for the IgE synthesis induced in vitro by human T cell clones and their supernatants Del Prete, G.;Maggi, E.;Parronchi, P.;Chretien, I.;Tiri, A.;Macchia, D.;Ricci, M.;Banchereau, J.;De Vries, J.;Romagnani, S.
- Semin Oncol v.24 no.3 The role of type I interferons in the differentiation and function of Th1 and Th2 cells de Waal, Malefyt R.
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- Essential Neurology Wilkinson, I.M.S.
- 신경과학 Raymond D. Adams;Maurice Victor;Allan H. Ropper;아담스신경과학 편찬위원회(編)
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- Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the United States of America v.94 Intracisternal basic fibroblast growth factor enhances functional recovery and up-regulates the expression of a molecular marker of neuronal sprouting following focal cerebral infarction Kawamata, T.;Dietrich, W.D.;Schaller, T.;Gotts, J.E.;Cocke, R.R.;Benowitz, L.I.;Finklestein, S.P.
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- 東醫四象新編 元持常
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- 면역과 한방 난和生;安德均(譯)
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- Immunology A short course Eli Benjamini
- Basic & Clinical Immunology Daniel P. Stites;Abba I. Terr
- Journal of Immunology v.140 Anti-proliferative effect of IFN-gamma in immune regulation. I. IFN-gamma inhibits the proliferation of Th2 but not Th1 murine helper T lymphocyte clones Gajewski, T.F.;Fitch, F.W.
- Journal of Experimental Medicine v.170 Recombinant interleukin 4 suppresses the production of interferon gamma by human mononuclear cells Peleman, R.;Wu, J.;Fargeas, C.;Delespesse, G.
- Journal of Immunology v.144 IL-4 inhibits the synthesis of IFN-gamma and induces the synthesis of IgE in human mixed lymphocyte cultures Vercelli, D.;Jabara, H.H.;Lauener, R.P.;Geha, R.S.
- Lancer 1 v.344 Reduced interferon-gamma secretion in neonates and subsequent atopy Tang, M.L.;Kemp, A.S.;Thorburn, J.;Hill, D.J.
- Current Opinion in Immunology v.3 Regulation of IgE synthesis by cytokines De Vries, J.E.;Gauchat, J.F.;Aversa, G.G.;Punnonen, J.;Gascan, H.;Yssel, H.
- Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the United States of America v.86 IgE secretion by Epstein-Barr virus-infected purified human B lymphocytes is stimulated by interleukin 4 and suppressed by interferon gamma Thyphronitis, G.;Tsokos, G.C.;June, C.H.;Levine, A.D.;Finkelman, F.D.
- Proceedings of the Nationsl Academy Sciences of the United States of America v.86 Regulation of immunoglobulin production in hyperimmunoglobulin E recurrent-infection syndrome by interferon gamma King, C.L.;Gallin, J.I.;Malech, H.L.;Abramson, S.L.;Nutman, T.B.
- European Journal of Immunology v.20 Regulation of human IgE synthesis, I. Human IgE synthesis in vitro is determined by the reciprocal antagonistic effects of interleukin 4 and interferon-gamma Chretien, I.;Pene, J.;Briere, F.;De Waal Malefijt, R.;Rousset, F.;De Vries, J.E.
- Clinical and Experimental Immunology v.85 Serum levels of soluble IL-2 receptor, IL-4 and IgE-binding factors in childhood allergic diseases Matsumoto, T.;Miike, T.;Yamaguchi, K.;Murakami, M.;Kawabe, T.;Yodoi, J.
- Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the United States of America v.84 Interferon beta 2/B-cell stimulatory factor type 2 shares identity with monocytederived hepatocyte- stimulating factor and regulates the major acute phase protein response in liver cells Gauldie, J.;Richards, C.;Harnish, D.;Lansdorp, P.;Baumann, H.
- Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the United States of America v.82 Purification to homogeneity and characterization of human B-cell differentiation factor (BCDF or BSFp-2) Hirano, T.;Taga, T.;Nakano, N.;Yasukawa, K.;Kashiwamura, S.;Shimizu, K.;Nakajima, K.;Pyun, K.H.;Kishimoto, T.
- Nature v.324 Complementary DNA for a novel human interleukin (BSF-2) that induces B lymphocytes to produce immunoglobulin Hirano, T.;Yasukawa, K.;Harada, H.;Taga, T.;Watanabe, Y.;Matsuda, T.;Kashiwamura, S.;Nakajima, K.;Koyama, K.;Iwamatsu, A.(et al.)
- Immunology Letters v.61 IL-6 antisense oligonucleotides inhibit IgE production in IL-4 and anti-CD40-stimulated human B-lymphocytes Bjorck, P.;Larsson, S.;Andang, AM.;Ahrlund-Richter, L.;Paulie, S.
- Ann Intern Med v.128 The pathophysiologic roles of interleukin-6 in human disease Papanicolaou, D.A.;Wilder, R.L.;Manolagas, S.C.;Chrousos, G.P.
- Journal of Expeimental Medicine v.168 Production of B cell stimulatory factor-2 and interferon gamma in the central nervous system during viral meningitis and encephalitis. Evaluation in a murine model infection and in patients Frei, K.;Leist, T.P.;Meager, A.;Gallo, P.;Leppert, D.;Zinkernagel, R.M.;Fontana, A.
- Clinical and Experimental Immunology v.71 Elevated levels of the 26K human hybridoma growth factor (interleukin 6) in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with acute infection of the central nervous system Houssiau, F.A.;Bukasa, K.;Sindic, C.J.;Van Damme, J.;Van Snick, J.
- Journal of Neuroimmunology v.24 Brain tumors : detection of B-cell stimulatory factor-2/ interleukin-6 in the absence of oligoclonal bands of immunoglobulins Leppert, D.;Frei, K.;Gallo, P.;Yasargil, M.G.;Hess, K.;Baumgartner, G.;Fontana, A.
- Current Opinion in Immunology v.2 IgE synthesis Delespesse, G.;Sarfati, M.;Heusser, C.
- Immunology Today v.11 Regulation and deregulation of human IgE synthesis Romagnani, S.
- Clinical and Experimental Allergy v.21 Regulation of human IgE synthesis Gascan, H.;Gauchat, J.F.;de Waal Malefyt, R.;Schneider, P.;Yssel, H.;de Vries, J.E.
- Journal of Immunology v.144 IL-4 inhibits the synthesis of IFN-gamma and induces the synthesis of IgE in human mixed lymphocyte cultures Vercelli, D.;Jabara, H.H.;Lauener, R.P.;Geha, R.S.
- Annual Review of Immunology v.8 Lymphokine control of in vivo immunoglobulin isotype selection Finkelman, F.D.;Holmes, J.;Katona, I.M.;Urban, J.F. Jr;Beckmann, M.P.;Park, L.S.;Schooley, K.A.;Coffman, R.L.;Mosmann, T.R.;Paul, W.E.