A study on the policy proposals to enhance Aviation Safety in Korea

한국의 항공안전 향상을 위한 정책과제

  • 이강석 (한국항공진흥협회 조사연구실 연구개발부) ;
  • 송병흠 (한국항공대학교 항공운항학과) ;
  • 강훈 (한서대학교 레저항공스포츠학과)
  • Published : 2000.12.16


Purpose of this paper is to enhance aviation safety in korea through comparison with aviation safety policies implemented by other countries. it can be another opportunity for Korean two national flag airlines to reappraise and reinforce the significance of "aviation safety", as well as set forth immediate vigorous efforts to support the government's aviation safety enhancement countermeasures. I hope this study would contribute and provide a variable idea and direction to enhance aviation safety management of two Korean flag carriers.
