Journal of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment (열처리공학회지)
- Volume 13 Issue 5
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- Pages.330-336
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- 2000
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- 1225-1070(pISSN)
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- 2508-4046(eISSN)
Characteristic of Refrigerant for Heat-treatment Deformation Control of SM45C Steel
SM45G강의 열처리변형 제어를 위한 냉각매질의 특성
- Lyu, S. (School of Transport Vehicle Eng. Res. Center for Aircraft Parts Tech., Gyeongsang Univ.) ;
Nam, T.
(Division of Materials Science and Eng. Res. Center for Aircraft Parts Tech., Gyeongsang Univ.) ;
- Ahn, M. (Graduate School of Gyeongsang Univ.) ;
- Park, J. (Graduate School of Gyeongsang Univ.)
- 류성기 (경상대학교 수송기계공학부, 항공기부품기술연구센터) ;
(경상대학교 재료공학부, 항공기부품기술연구센터) ;
- 안민주 (경상대학교 대학원) ;
- 박중학 (경상대학교 대학원)
- Received : 2000.07.18
- Published : 2000.09.30
This study deals with the characteristic of refrigerant for heat-treatment deformation control of SM45C steel. The control of heat-treatment deformation must need the progress of production parts for a landing gear. Most of the deformation is occurred on unequal cooling. The unequal cooling is occurred by a property of quenching refrigeration. When a heated metal is deposited in the refrigeration, the cooling speed is so slow in early period of cooling because of occurring a steam-curtain. After more cooling, the steam-curtain is destroyed. In this progress, the cooling speed is very fast. The object of this study is to control the deformation of heat-treatment for landing gear by improving the conditions of quenching. The cooling curves and cooling rates of water, oil and polymer solution are obtained and illustrated. From the characteristics of the quenching refrigerant, the effects of heat-treatments on thermal deformation and fatigue strength are also investigated.
- Refrigerant;
- Heat-treatment deformation;
- Landing gear;
- Quenching refrigeration;
- Conditions of quenching;
- Fatigue strength