동해 북동부해역 제 4기 후기 퇴적물의 규조 산출과 고해양학적 변화

Occurrence of Diatom in the Late Quaternary Sediments of the Northeastern East Sea (Sea of Japan) and its Paleoceanographic Changes

  • 신유나 (한국해양연구소, 극지연구본부) ;
  • ;
  • 윤호일 (한국해양연구소, 극지연구본부) ;
  • 김예동 (한국해양연구소, 극지연구본부) ;
  • 우경식 (강원대학교, 지질학과) ;
  • 김부근 (한국해양연구소, 극지연구본부)
  • Shin, Y.N. (Polar Science Lab., Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Ikehara, K. (Marine Geology Department, Geological Survey of Japan) ;
  • Yoon, H.I. (Polar Science Lab., Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Kim, Y. (Polar Science Lab., Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute) ;
  • Woo, K.S. (Department of Geology, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Khim, B.K. (Polar Science Lab., Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute)
  • 발행 : 2000.11.30


동해 북동쪽에 위치한 홋카이도섬 서부해역에서 채취된 중력시추코아 GH98-1223의 45개 퇴적물 시료들로부터 휴면포자를 제외한 총 31속 50종 1아종의 규조류가 동정되었다. 최대 산출종은 Thalassionema nitzschioides로 전시료에서 29${\sim}$59%의 높은 산출빈도를 나타냈으며, 그 외에 비교적 개체 보존이 양호한 Denticulopsis seminae와 Pseudoeunotia doliolus를 비롯한 대부분의 종들은 평균 산출빈도가 5% 이내로 매우 낮게 나타났다 전 시료에서 한류종의 산출빈도가 난류종보다 상대적으로 우세하였으며, 수직분포는 각 종의 생태적 특성에 따라 차이가 있으나 대부분의 층준에서 난류종과 한류종의 산출빈도는 서로 상반되는 경향을 보였다. 대표적인 한류종인 D. seminae와 난류종으로 쿠로시오해류(Kuroshio Current)의 지류인 대마난류(Tsushima Warm Current)의 지시종인 P doliolus의 전체적인 변화양상은 뚜렷하게 상반되며, 이것은 규조온도지수(T$_d$)의 수직적인 변화와도 서로 일치한다. 규조온도지수는 150 cm깊이를 기준으로 코아의 상부에서는 평균 이상의 높은 수치를 나타내며 하부에서는 평균 이하의 낮은 수치를 나타내는데, 이러한 경향은 동해의 북부지역에 위치한 본 연구지역에 대마난류의 영향이 홀로세의 후빙기를 거치면서 점차적으로 증가된 것을 지시하고 있다. 또한, 하층부에서 규조온도지수는 지그재그형의 변화를 나타내는데 이는 규조류가 서식하는 해수의 환경이 불안정하였다는 것을 의미한다. 생산성과 용승의 정도를 지시하는 Chaetoceros resting spores는 5.3${\sim}$40% 정도의 산출빈도를 보이는데 , 최대값은 80 cm 보다 상층부에서 나타났다. 퇴적물의 생물 기원물질의 상대적인 양을 예측하는데 이용되는 Chaetoceros resting spores/Chaetoceroe vegetative cells도 80 cm 보다 상층에서는 높게 나타나 규조온도지수 분포와도 일치하는 경향을 보인다. 이상의 규조군집 분석 결과에 의하면, 홀로세의 후빙기동안 본 연구 지역인 동해 북동부에는 대마 난류의 유입이후 현재와 유사한 환경이 우세하게 발달했으나, 난류종 P. doliolus의 변화는 동해내에서 대마난류의 세기가 반복되었음을 지시하고 있다.

A total of 50 diatom species and 1 subspecies belonging to 31 genera except Chaetoceros resting spores were identified in the 45 sediments subsampled from a gravity core GH98-1223 collected from the western Hokkaido Island located in the northeastern East Sea (Sea of Japan). The most dominant species is Thalassionema nitzschioides (Grunow) Hustedt, ranging 29 to 59% of the total assemblages, and most species including Denticulopsis seminae (Simonsen and Kanaya) Simonsen and Pseudoeunotia doliolus (Wallich) Grunow were less than 5% in average. Frequencies of cold-water species are generally higher than those of warm-water species and the vertical distribution of cold-water species was largely opposite to that of warm-water species in spite of ecological habitat difference. Frequency of cold-water species, D. seminae is reverse to that of P. doliolus, an indicator of the Tsushima Warm Current, which is consistent with diatom temperature value (T$_{d}$ value). The variation of T$_{d}$ values shows that the upper part of core with greater-than-average T$_{d}$ values represents postglacial warming trend. These T$_{d}$ values clearly demonstrate that the study area located in the northern part of the East Sea is gradually influenced by Tsushima Warm Current. In addition, the zig-zag variation in the lower part reflects the unstable seawater for diatom habitat. Chaetoceros resting spores indicating productivity and upwelling was 5.3 to 40%, with maximum peak at 80 cm. Chaetoceros resting spores/Chaetoceros vegetative cells, an indicator of relative amounts of biogenic material in the sediments was high at the upper 80 cm level, corresponding to the change of T$_{d}$ values. On the basis of diatom assemblages, the northeastern part of East Sea has experienced the effects of Tsushima Warm Current during the postglacial period of Holocene, which is similar to the modem climatic environment. However, the variation of P. doliolus reflects that the intensity of Tsushima Warm Current has been oscillated in the East Sea.



  1. 한국고생물학회지 v.15 유공충과 안정 동위원소에 의한 지난 24,000년 동안의 동해 울릉분지 고해양 변화 김정무;박병권;김대철;김길영
  2. 한국해양연구소 보고서 남극 해양 빙하되적물에서 산출되는 Diatom 연구를 위한 정량분석용 시료처리 방법 이항재;윤호일;윤혜수
  3. Initial Reports of DSDP Leg 16 Silicoflagellata and Diatom Straigraphy Bukry, D.;F. Foster
  4. Quat. Geol. v.7 Pliocene and Pleistocene diatom datum from the Equatorial Pacific Burckle, L.H.
  5. Preliminary Reports on Researches in the 1998 Fiscal year Comprehensive Study on Environmental Changes in the Western Hokkaido Coastal Area and Study on Evaluation of Marine Active Faults Geological Survey of Japan
  6. Oceanology v.33 Reasons for freshing of surface water mass in Sea of Japan during last glaciation determinated from ratios of oxygen isotopes in plankton foraminifera Gorbarenko, S.A.
  7. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. v.156 Detailed Japan Sea paleoceanography during the last 25kyr: constraints from AMS dating and ${\delta}^{18}O$of plaktone foraminifera Gorbarenko, S.A.;J.R. Southin
  8. Ocean. Res. v.19 Paleoenvironments near Ulleung and Dok Islands in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea of Korea Han, S.J.;S. Huh;J.J. Bahk;J.H. Chun;S.H. Kim;H.J. Woo;H.J. Lee;G.H. Hong;D.H. Shin;H.I. Yi
  9. Deep-Sea Res. v.23 The biogeography of some marine plankton diatoms Hasle, G.R.
  10. Akad. Nauk SSSR Stratigraphic and paleogegraphic investigation in the northwest part of the Pacific Ocean. Jouse, A.P.
  11. Sci. Rept Tohoku University(2nd ser.) v.37 Interpretation of diatom thanatocoenoses from the North Pacific applied to a study of coreV20-130 (Studies of a deep-sea core V20-130, part Ⅳ) Kanaya, T.;I. Koizumi
  12. Quat. Res. v.37 Sea level, surface salinity of the Japan Sea, and the Younger Dryas event in the northwestern Pacific Ocean Keigwin, L.D.;S.A. Gorbarenko
  13. Paleoceanography v.15 Paleoceanographic change during the last deglaciation, East Sea of Korea Kim, J.M.;J.P. Kennett;B.K. Park;D.C. Kim;G.Y. Kim;E.B. Roark
  14. Kagaku-Science v.47 Deep sea sediments and history of Japan Sea Koizumi, I.
  15. A Monthly Earth. v.6 Diatoms Koizumi, I.
  16. J. Geol. Soc. Japan v.91 Diatom biochronology for late cenozoic northwest Pacific Koizumi, I.
  17. Mar. Micropaleont. v.10 Pliocene and Pleistocene diatom datum levels related with Paleoceanography in the Northwest Pacific Koizumi, I.
  18. J. Paleont. Soc. Korea v.4 Early Miocene Proto-Japan Sea Koizumi, I.
  19. Diatom Res. v.4 Holocene pulses of diatom growths in the warm Tsushima Current in the Japan sea Koizumi, I.
  20. Basin structures and past changes in the East Sea, Korea KORDI
  21. Inter. Geol. Rev. v.9 Diatoms and silicoflagellates in suspension and floor sediments of the Pacific Ocean Kozliva, O.G.;V.V. Mukhina
  22. Antarctic Res. Ser. v.73 The fate of antarctic "Sea ice diatoms" and their use as paleoenvironmental indicators, Antarctic sea ice biological processes, interations, and variability Leventer, A.
  23. J. Geol. Soc. Japan v.102 Marine sediments and late Quaternary stratigraphy in the southeastern part of the Japan Sea-Concerning the timing of dark layer deposition Nakajima, T.;K. Kikkawa;K. Ikehara;H. Katayama;E. Kikawa;M. Joshima;K. Seto
  24. Paleoceanography v.6 Paleoenvironmental changes in the Japan Sea during the last 85,000 years Oba, T.;M.Kato;H. Kitazato;I. Koizumi;A. Omura;T. Sakai;T. Takayama
  25. J. Geophys. Res. v.99 The flow system in the Japan Sea caused by a sea level difference through shallow strait Ohshima, K.
  26. Mar. Micropaleontol. v.4 Oceanography of the North Pacific during the last 18,000 years: Evidence from fossil diatoms Sancetta, C.
  27. Micropaleontology v.28 Distribution of diatom species in surface sediments of the Bering and Okhostsk seas Sancetta, C.
  28. Initial Reports of DSDP Leg 69 Biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic events in the eastern equatoril Pacific Sancetta, C.
  29. Paleoceanography v.14 Land-ocean linkages over orbital and millennial timescales recorded in late Quaternary sediments of the Japan Sea Tada, R.;T. Irino;I. Koizumi
  30. Sci. Rept. Tohoku Univ. 2nd Ser. (Geology) v.51 Late Quaternary Diatoms of the Sea of Japan Tanimura, Y.
  31. Ecology v.52 Recurrent groups of diatom species in the North Pacific Venrick, E.L.