Epoxy 절연재료이 표면특성에 미치는 수분처리의 영향

Effects of Water Treating on Surface Properties of Epoxy Insulation Materials

  • 발행 : 2000.10.01


This paper deals with change of contact angle, surface potential decay, surface resistivity and XPS of water-treated epoxy insulator. From the experimental results on the contact angle was reduced from $74^{\circ}$to $24^{\circ}$ due to the formation of polar hydroxyl groups on surface which was associated with intermolecular reaction between epoxy chains of three-dimensional network structure and water molecules. From the experimental results in the surface potential decay of water treated-samples, it was found that the accumulation of charge is decreased and the surface potential decay time is shortened by the interaction of polar hydroxyl groups induced on the treated surface as the increment of treatment time. The positive charging on the treated surface compared with negative charging is relatively lowered by the induction of polar hydroxyl groups. The surface resistivity was changed from $10^{15}[{\Omega}/cm^2$] to $10^{12}[{\Omega}/cm^2$] caused by water treatment. From XPS, it was found that the changes affected by the surface degradation of epoxy were caused by the generation of carboxyl groups through the chain decomposition and recombination with oxygen molecules in the air.



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